A kitten kept in a back alley met a pet cat. Her world instantly lit up and she never left her side.
Gracie and MariyaJill
Mariya, a 3-week-old kitten, was found alone on a back road with no sign of her mother.
Jill, a foster volunteer with Tails of Freedom, opened her home to the kitten and began caring for it 24 hours a day. “Bottle babies can be so fragile and things can go bad quickly, but Mariya seemed strong from the beginning,” Jill shared with Love Meow.
“Once you start transitioning to solid foods, you’ll feel like you’re breathing easier. You’ll feel better.”
Mariya was small, but full of energy, bright eyes, and despite everything she had been through, she was hungry for love. Within a few days in foster care, she got the hang of the bottle and began gaining weight and strength.
Jill gave her a snuggle toy with a heartbeat to keep her company all night.
After two weeks of 24-hour nursing, Mariya graduated to a larger enclosure where she could learn how to play and use the toilet. There, she met Gracie, a native cat, and it was love at first sight.
“As a very small baby, I was immediately drawn to Gracie when she was introduced to me.”
They stretched their legs and looked at each other in the mirror.Jill
Gracie, an unsteady cat with cerebellar hypoplasia, has grown attached to the little newcomer. Eventually, the two of them snuggled side by side and stretched out their legs comfortably.
When Mariya noticed that Gracie was using a cart to get around, she was curious and jumped on her back, getting ready to drive her around the house. Gracie ignored the small passenger and continued driving in her truck.
Once Marija finished her last bottle, she quickly got used to eating solid food and enjoyed every bite. With more space to explore, she often walked around on her side, inflating her tail to appear twice her size.
She jumped around the room, playfully wrangling her feet, and was having so much fun that she was exhausted.
“Sometimes she plays with toys, but you can always rely on her paws and tail for endless fun.”
During nap time, Gracie noticed her little admirer snuggled up next to her and purring in her ear. She became attached to her friend and snuggled with the kitten as it fell asleep.
Besides playing with her paws, Mariya likes to swipe Gracie’s tail every time it sways. “Mariya always moves her tail, even when she’s happy. She likes this game of slapping her tail and jumping up and down.”
Having a healthy kitten around will encourage Gracie to play more and let her inner kitten come out.
Although Jill’s cat Oliver has passed away, he was Gracie’s constant companion and provided interactions that enriched her world.
Jill’s goal is to find Gracie a new friend. Mariya has rekindled that same joy in Gracie, and she now looks forward to waking up every morning. “I love seeing her curled up with Gracie. It makes my heart happy.”
Mariya seems to understand Gracie’s signals perfectly and always knows how to react. She grows up in front of Gracie, accepting her every quirk as if they were made for each other.
“Mariya was sleeping on top of Gracie when Gracie became restless and tried to change her position. She turned over, but Mariya didn’t move an inch and didn’t wake up.”
Jill was smitten with the kitten from the moment he arrived, but waited for Mariya and Gracie to form a special relationship. “They did that, especially as Mariya’s foster care continued.”
“Now they share a strong bond. Mariya often goes to cuddle with Gracie and Gracie grooms Mariya.”
Mariya found her forever home with GracieJill
“Maria is home. She’s been here all along. It took a while, but Oliver sent the perfect girl to love.”
best friendsJill
Please share this story with your friends. For more information about Gracie and Mariya, please visit Instagram@gracie_the_wobbly_warrior And Jill’s foster parents @fresh_start_fosters.
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