Residents will not find a kitten in the garden and stop looking for the rest of the cat

By SecretWuff 5 Min Read

Residents found only one kitten in their yard and did not stop them from searching for the rest of the cat’s family.

Alfie and AvoLauren

Just before the snowstorm hit, the family discovered two newborn kittens in their yard. They searched for their mother, but she was not found anywhere.

The kittens didn’t survive the harsh weather, so the family brought them inside. While caring for the pair, they reached out to their local rescue, Tails High, sought help. Volunteers quickly arranged foster parents to provide the 24-hour care that kittens needed.

“(The viewfinder) kept them warm and warm overnight until I could take them to their newborn foster parents,” Tales is shared with love.

Newborn kitten snugglesThey were found in the garden just before a snowstormDemarco

The kitten was only a few days ago, incredibly small and had no eyes open yet. They were somehow left behind when her mother was running her trash.

Alfalfa buds or alfies (tuxedo) and avocado toast or avo (tubby) cuddled close by, finding comfort in each other’s warmth. “These small but very brave boys were rescued just before the snow started falling. They are warm and safe in the incubator as their foster parents said ‘Yes’. ”

Newborn kitten in a tuxedoAlfieDemarco

Finder was relieved to learn that the two brothers were in good hands, but they still didn’t forget the cat’s family, who were brave in the cold. They continued their search, hoping to make everything safe.

Meanwhile, Alfie and Avo remained warm and cozy in the blanket fort. A few days later, Avo opened his eyes to see the world for the first time.

Little tabby kitten eyes are openavoDemarco

Both kittens have steadily benefited in the coming weeks. The Avo was heading backwards by weight, but his Purr motor didn’t seem to stop him from running.

“Avo may be small, but he’s a clever little guy,” their foster parent DeMarco shared. “He grabs my face when I kiss him those cute little pink lips.”

Tabby Kitten Big Ears MeowDemarco

“Alfie is so energetic and cute. Avo is keeping up with Alfie in size and keeps her own in wrestling matches. They grow into personality every day and it’s a lot of fun to watch.”

The kittens were doing well in foster care, but the rescue received good news from the family who found them. “They found a mom’s kitten along with other kittens who lived under their garden shed where she was warm,” the rescue added.

tuxedo kitten pink legsDemarco

“Avo and Alfie must have been left because they were trying to move the garbage. She was separated due to bad weather.”

Rescue is in touch with the finder and is ready to provide support for the feline. “They recently put all their kittens inside for socialization and lined up their families for them.”

Tuxedo kitten is a tubby brotherDemarco

The mother cat turns out to be wild, but she makes the family garden her sanctuary. She is castrated and does not have to endure another pregnancy.

“She’s happy in their garden, where they take care of her.”

Kitten's best friend is cuteDemarco

Meanwhile, Alfie and Avo settle in their new foster parents with Lauren and interact with other resident animals. They are becoming more playful every day, with Alfie leading the accusations in their mischief making.

He flies around like a bouncy ball, giving birth to his brother with a playful antics until his “battery” is gone.

Playful tuxedo kitten sleeping tubbyLauren

It really takes a village to save a cat. Thanks to many caring people, Alfie, Avo and others in their family are thriving. The two brothers meet Theo, a resident dog who feeds the cat, and are excited about the adventure ahead.

Cute kitten cat treeLauren

Share this story with your friends. Alfie, Avo, and High tail on Instagram;Lauren’s fosters @our_fostering_tails;Demarco @beaniebabyfosters.

Related Stories: The kitten takes another cat home and soon changes his life

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