Why Is My Cat Meowing So Much?

By SecretWuff 16 Min Read

You may have not noticed how often your cat meows, or exactly what it sounds like, but lately it seems like suddenly they always have something to say. Even when your cat is sitting all alone, they start belting out the meows.

It seems like it’s nonstop now, and you’re starting to wonder, “why is my cat meowing so much?” Let’s look at what might be causing this behavior and when you should be concerned about your cat meowing.

Key Takeaways

  • Cats meow for numerous reasons, including boredom, for attention, and due to medical reasons.
  • If your cat won’t stop meowing, look for the cause.
  • If you can’t find a cause for the excessive meowing, call your vet.

Why Do Cats Meow?

Cats usually meow to get a person’s attention. They quickly learn that meowing is a great way to get us focused on them and what they want.

For similar reasons, they may also meow at other animals. Because meowing is an important way for cats to communicate, there are a lot of reasons why they meow and vocalize in other ways.

Why Does My Cat Meow So Much?

If your cat is starting to meow a lot more than normal, there’s a reason, and a little detective work will often help identify the likely possibilities. 

Some of these include: 

  • Pain: Cats that are uncomfortable or in pain will often be restless and meow. If something is significantly painful, it might be a sharp, ear-piercing cry. 

  • Urinary issue: Although some cats will “announce” that they have successfully used the litter box, other cats meow in or around the box if they are uncomfortable while urinating or defecating. 

  • Kidney disease: This is not a common cause of excessive meowing, but sometimes cats with kidney disease are more restless and vocal than they were when healthy. Cats with kidney disease often also have a decreased appetite and increased thirst and urination. 

  • Hyperthyroidism: This is a common condition in senior cats. Cats with an overactive thyroid are often on “high drive,” and they can have secondary hypertension (high blood pressure). These cats can be exceptionally vocal as well as restless.

  • Hypertension: Cats with high blood pressure may also meow more, and more incessantly, than healthy cats.

  • Feline cognitive dysfunction: As cats age, they can develop syndromes that are similar to Alzheimer’s in humans. These cats can develop odd behaviors such as excessive, persistent meowing. 

  • Deafness or blindness: Many cats that previously relied on vision or hearing will become increasingly vocal when they lose these senses. Many deaf and blind cats will meow loudly and repeatedly. 

  • Hunger: Hungry cats will try to get your attention with meows, sometimes trying to lead you to their bowl or food storage area. 

  • An empty or dirty water bowl: Likewise, thirsty cats will meow at the water source. If the bowl needs cleaning, a cat meows to let you know. 

  • Lonely or bored: Although it isn’t as common as dogs that bark when lonely, some cats will meow if they are lonely or feeling bored and want attention. 

  • Stressed or scared: It’s very common for cats who are stressed or frightened to meow, especially if they are in your car on the way to the vet. This is sometimes accompanied by hissing. 

  • Breed trait: Some cat breeds simply meow more than others. Vocal breeds include Siamese, Bengals, Sphynx, and Tonkinese, as well as mixed breeds containing some of these lineages. 

  • Mating habits: Cats in heat can be extremely vocal, particularly during mating season. While mating, cats can let out some ear-piercing screams, commonly known as caterwauling. 

  • Attention: Meowing is a sure-fire way for many cats to get attention, so they will use it as a greeting and expect you to respond. 

  • Learned behavior: Sometimes, we unwittingly teach our cats to talk. When they meow, they often get what they want, so it becomes a learned behavior.

  • Dirty litter box: Although simply finding a puddle on the floor is a more common dirty litter pan alert, some cats will notify you with an annoyed meow that the box needs to be cleaned. 

  • Wanting to play: Many young cats will present a toy to their favorite person along with a happy meow as a friendly request to play. 

Why Does My Cat Meow at Night?

Cats are crepuscular, meaning they’re most active at dawn and dusk. This means your kitty might sometimes wake you up at 4 a.m. by meowing loudly. Many cats meow at night because they are bored, frustrated, or want something, such as food or attention.

If your cat’s meowing at night, it’s important that you do not get up and give them what they want (unless it’s an emergency, of course). Although you’re just trying to stop your cat from meowing, this rewards the behavior. The cat learns that meowing gets them what they want, so they continue doing it.

Health reasons can also cause cats to meow excessively, especially overnight. Some of the more common reasons for this include hypertension, an overactive thyroid, and cognitive dysfunction. 

Why Is My Kitten Meowing So Much?

Kittens often meow a lot more than older cats, in part because they are still developing their communication skills. Most of the time, kittens are trying to communicate a need or want, like food, attention, or playtime.

A frightened or angry kitten may also vocalize more than an adult cat. If your kitten seems distressed and isn’t soothed by providing food, water, attention, or play, take them to the vet to be sure they aren’t in pain or trying to communicate that they are sick. 

Why Is My Cat Always Hungry and Meowing?

Cats that are always hungry and meowing for food may have a medical condition, particularly if they are also losing weight. These cats are usually middle-aged or older and may have hyperthyroidism, hypertension, diabetes, kidney disease, or another health problem.

Cats showing these signs should see a veterinarian. 

Why Is My Cat Meowing Differently?

You may notice that your cat’s meow suddenly sounds different, often taking on a hoarse sound. There are several reasons this could happen, but the most common reason tends to be an upper respiratory infection. 

Just like when you have a cold, cats can get a scratchy, hoarse-sounding voice. In most cases, these kitties will show additional signs, such as:

In some cases, the larynx can be inflamed, resulting in laryngitis or the loss of a meow. Other, more severe causes of voice change include laryngeal paralysis (where the nerve controlling the larynx is not working properly) or tumors.

For this reason, any cat who has a different-sounding meow should be examined by a veterinarian, who can determine the underlying cause.

Why Is My Male Cat Meowing Loudly?

Unneutered male cats meow or yowl when they are looking for a mate. This is primarily a hormone-driven behavior that generally stops once a cat is neutered. 

Occasionally, a female will also yowl, most commonly to advertise to the male that she is available. Likewise, spayed females are much less likely to do this.

So, if your cat won’t stop meowing and they haven’t been spayed or neutered, doing so will likely help the issue.

What To Do if Your Cat Won’t Stop Meowing

If your cat won’t stop meowing, look for the cause. Is there something that your cat needs or something specific they are trying to communicate? 

1. Check That Their Needs Are Met

Check that all of the basics are present—food, clean water, clean litter pan, attention, exercise, playtime, and so on. For cats who meow a lot about a dirty water bowl, a water fountain may help keep their water cleaner.

2. Rule Out Stress and Pain

Make sure that there is no reason that your cat would be distressed or in pain. A trip to the vet is recommended for any sudden behavior changes in your cat, including excessive meowing.

3. Don’t Reward the Behavior

Once you’re sure your cat is only working the system for attention, and you are certain that all of their needs have been met, do not scold them for meowing. Instead, simply do not reward the behavior. Look the other way, engage in some other activity, and don’t give your cat attention until they’re quiet. 

At no time should you ever hit or scold your cat for meowing. Scaring or hurting your cat will only teach them to fear you and harm your bond.

Do not scold your cat for meowing. Instead, simply do not reward the behavior. Look the other way, engage in some other activity, and don’t give your cat attention until they’re quiet.

If your cat’s meow has changed in tone or frequency, or if there are additional signs like appetite changes, weight loss, or attitude shifts, schedule a vet appointment as soon as possible. 

Questions To Ask if Your Cat Keeps Meowing

  1. When is your cat meowing? Is there a trigger, like someone coming home from work? How about after dark, once everyone is in bed? Timing can give valuable clues to the cause of the meowing. 

  2. Where is your cat meowing? Is there a specific location that gives a clue, like in the litter box, near a toy, or at the door when someone has left? Or is your cat sitting in a corner, looking at the wall? All of these provide clues. 

  3. Is your cat spayed or neutered? Hormones certainly can trigger a cat to be much more vocal.

  4. Is your cat a breed or mixed with a breed that’s talkative? Quite a few breeds of cats, such as the Siamese, are known to be “talkers.” 

  5. Is your cat’s litter box clean? Some cats can make their displeasure at a dirty litter pan quite clear. They might even meow after each time they use it. 

  6. Does your cat have food and a clean, full water dish? A hungry or thirsty cat will often work hard to communicate their needs to their human family. Remember that a bowl of dry food can seem “empty” to cats if they can see the bottom of the bowl at all. 

  7. Does your cat want to play? Cats will often meow as they present a toy to play with, or as they play and hunt alone.

When To Go to the Vet for Cat Meowing

Knowing exactly when to make a veterinary appointment can be difficult, so here are a few guidelines: 

  • If your male cat is meowing and straining to urinate, have him examined immediately. This may be a sign of a life-threatening urinary blockage.

  • If your kitty seems to be meowing out of distress or pain, or if they’re open-mouth panting while meowing, head to the emergency vet. 

  • If you notice additional symptoms, such as weight loss or changes in appetite, attitude, or urination, make a vet appointment as soon as possible.

If you can’t determine a possible cause for the excessive meowing or change in meow, call your vet. When your instinct says something is wrong, follow it. 

How Will a Vet Diagnose a Cat Who’s Meowing Constantly?

Because there are so many potential underlying causes of increased meowing, veterinarians will likely vary in their approach to the diagnosis. In most cases, however, your veterinarian will ask you a lot of questions and perform a complete physical examination. 

A vet will also compare your cat’s current weight and vitals to those from previous visits. If there’s reason to believe that a medical cause is at play, it’s very likely that blood work and a urinalysis will be recommended. 

If it seems that a behavioral cause is likely, your veterinarian may still recommend lab work so they can pick the safest behavioral treatment options based on your cat’s overall health. Once your vet determines a working diagnosis for the excessive meowing, forming a treatment plan will be much more straightforward.

This may include calming pheromones, supplements, prescription medications, behavior modification techniques, and increased enrichment for your cat.


Sandra C. Mitchell, DVM, DABVP


Sandra Mitchell is a 1995 graduate of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine. Since graduation, she has worked in many fields…

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