Video of cats thanking rescuers captures their hearts on Instagram

By SecretWuff 2 Min Read

Mitten, the charming tuxedo cat, has become an unlikely social media star after a heartfelt response to being rescued was shared on Instagram. Healthy videothe cat ru with satisfaction and showered with affection to the rescuer, revealing that she was truly grateful for his help.

Rescuers stick cats on a tree for three cold nights

The incident occurred in Longview, Washington, where Mittens was found stuck on a fur tree. During three chilly nights, she endured the element, and her desperate mee echoed through the neighborhood. Fortunately, we have a specialized team Canopy Cat Rescue I was there to help.

A member of the Canopy Cat Rescue Team, Tom answered the phone and was able to safely knock the mittens down from the tree. The rescue video was shared on Instagram. There we get a glimpse of the mittens happily seated on Tom’s shoulder, clearly grateful for his efforts. “Apparently she’s a cat on the shoulder,” the caption below the post read. “I’m so glad you helped me defeat this little girl.”

Many fire departments today prioritize human emergency over animal rescue. So, when you come across a cat stuck in a tree, it’s essential to know what to do. According to Canopy Cat Rescue, it is not recommended to try a DIY rescue or wait for a cat to come down. Instead, we recommend contacting a local specialist who has been specially trained to safely handle these unstable situations.

Contrary to popular belief, cats often cannot fall from a tree without assistance. This is primarily designed for climbing rather than for climbing, due to difficult height and claw structure. Furthermore, the more the cat remains trapped, the higher the risk of dehydration and other health complications.

If your cat tends to explore trees, it may be wise to consider a supervised outdoor adventure. One such solution is to use a leash. This will help curious kittens enjoy the outdoors safely.

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