Video of cats reacting to bobcats in her yard goes viral

By SecretWuff 2 Min Read

Sometimes our pets warn us of amazing encounters in our own backyard and give us a glimpse of unexpected things. Recent Tiktok video The cat responds to something outside the window and its owner is surprised, so we capture that very moment.

Cat responds to bobcats in her garden in viral video

A Tiktok user going with username @soulboundsaga caught the internet attention after filming the shadow of a black cat and then responding to a surprising visitor outside the window. The clip shows a mysteriously floating shadow across the window, attracting the owner’s attention. In anticipation of seeing a common sight like a bird, the owner was surprised to find a baby bobcat staring at them.

The two cats exchanged their appearances, and the shadows continued as if they were talking to her wild counterpart. When the owner of Shadow was forced to express his surprise in a series of surprising “OHSs” when dealing with the unusual visitors. As if the encounter wasn’t yet surprising, another big bobcat quickly appeared in the backyard, reinforcing the situation and shocking the owner even more.

Thanking Shadow for his vigilance, he humorously acknowledged her efforts to protect their homes. A Tiktok commenter shared surprise and humor, with one user joking that the Shadow had met her distant relatives. Another user said, “A bobcat mom took her baby to a miniature cat zoo.” Even the official Microsoft Edge accounts took part in the conversation, with Shadow humorously suggesting that he wanted to invite Bobcats inside. “Cat expert. She said, ‘Let them in,'” the account wrote.

The video has gained significant involvement within a week, including over 1.6 million likes and 9,070 comments. Despite the playful nature of the video, some viewers have expressed concern about the safety of Shadow, especially if she is allowed outdoors. However, the owners reassured them that Shadow was strictly an indoor cat.

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