Mothers’ love is no different, so cat moms are included. The recent Tiktok video captures a truly moving moment between mom’s cat and her cat, and the internet is not enough. The adorable interaction has led thousands of viewers to reach into the organization box and click the Like button.
Kittens can’t stop staring at mom cats with love in Tiktok video
Tiktok Video It shows that the mother cat is nursing the trash of three kittens. But it’s an older kitten (probably one of her previous descendants) who steals the show. The kitten sits nearby, looking at her mother in perfectly fixed and unshakable admiration. The video caption reads, “Heems loves his mom,” and it’s easy to see why the scene resonated with viewers.
In the comments section, foster caregivers who captured this heartwarming moment shared some inspiring backstories. “This mom was a super mom,” they explained. Not only did she nurse her kitten, she also took others who were born and not her. In total, she cared for 19 kittens, only four of which were her biological offspring.
So far, this video has over 71k likes! and has received 1,330 comments. Many Tiktok users have taken them to the comments section and expressed their admiration for the gentle moment filmed in the clip with Mama Cat. One user wrote: “That little gaze is so lovey-filled. Absolutely valuable!” Another comment states, “What an incredible mama cat. She’s a real hero!” The third comment is, “Kitten is the planet Dan.” It’s the cutest thing overall,” he added.
Cats taking their own kittens are not entirely uncommon. This behavior is known as a homogeneous behavior, but often occurs in situations where other kittens are orphaned or abandoned. Newborn kittens are extremely vulnerable and require a certain amount of warmth and nutrition to survive, which creates the need for such care. In many cases, mother cats are willing to provide a needy kitten to ensure they have a chance to fight in life.