Video of a cat who is cheeky as the owner tries to hug

By SecretWuff 2 Min Read

Every cat parent knows the reality that they share their lives with their cats. Cats want love in their own words. This undeniable truth was captured humorously in the viral tiktok video Where the cheeky black pussy reveals in abundance that she is not hugged.

Cheeky pussy stops her human hand in hilarious video

Tiktok user AJ going with handle @Amakiexx uploaded the video three days ago. In it, AJ tries to stroke her pussy and interrupts the cat’s self-room session. However, cats had other ideas. With a cheeky flick, she used all four legs to push AJ’s hands tightly out, then shot a glare that had not impressed the owner before resuming her reign. The timing of that moment, set to Nicki Minaj’s track “Did It on ’em,” could not have been any better.

The short clip took the internet by storm, earning memorable 6.7 million likes and 14.4k comments over three days. Tiktok viewers quickly shared their entertainment, pouring comments on their cat diva-like attitude.

One user pointed out “instant cleaning of the feet” after the encounter, while another joked about the cat’s claims about her personal space, saying, “This is a real fur, honey. Watch Don’t touch it.” This video also sparked a lighthearted debate on the platform about how black cats are often the most wise of their kind. “Why is it always a black cat?” one user wrote.

AJ’s cheeky cat has undoubtedly become disliked for being held clearly, but experts point out that cats use a variety of signals to express their mood. According to Pet Care Company PrinaRelaxed cats may rest by pushing their legs in and stretching their legs, but worried people may display wide-bright eyes and expanded students.

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