Tummy Rub Tuesday Week 504: Submit a photo of your cat for a chance to be featured in our weekly blog post

By SecretWuff 3 Min Read

Hello everyone,

Welcome to another week of Belly Rub Tuesdays!

The easiest way to apply is to send to info@katzenworld.co.uk. Or leave a comment with a link to the post/photo you would like to use in this blog post.

This is Pumpkin and Marine that we met at. Bailey’s blog.

GL has been added from story curator.


Introducing Amanda the panda – photo taken by Kathy. (sent by email)

intention oscar Do you wake up in time to rub your tummy?

How can cats be comfortable in such a position? Learn more selected perspective.

Meet Jamina! see more about her here.


And last but not least, a cute bundle of fluff with one of us in it. twitter friends! πŸ˜€

Did you miss last week’s post? Why not check it out here?

We need you all now! Want to see your cat featured and join our fun blogroll? Follow the steps below. πŸ˜€

All you need to do is post your furry friend’s photos and photo stories to your blog and add your post link and photo to our blog. Tummy rub Tuesday post among us forum.

Please leave a comment on the post and attach the image you would like to use. If you have multiple images to use, please create multiple comments. πŸ˜€

If you don’t have your own blog, you can get involved by sending an email with a photo to info@katzenworld.co.uk. Please let us know what you would like to include as a source of information. πŸ™‚

To be fair, cat photos don’t necessarily have to be belly shots. We also understand that not all cats like to show their bellies. Any fun photo story is fine, but a belly photo story is even better πŸ˜€

And next week on #TRT, I’ll be posting a photo with a link to my weekly Tummy Rub Tuesday post.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the participants here at Katzenworld.

I don’t use WordPress, would you like to follow me? I do Blobin Too! πŸ™‚

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