They gave the cat a safe place to raise kittens instead of shelter and saw her flowers in front of their eyes.
Regina and her catAshley
The Carico cat and her four newborns were taken to an animal shelter shortly after she gave birth.
Knowing how stressful the shelter environment can be for mommy, staff reached out to help. Ashley, director of the Liberation Cat House, quickly took the family of five to her home and welcomed her.
While in the car, I was nervous, but Karico rescued the kitten and kept them in shelter.
“Sometimes, when moms feel too stressed, they stop breastfeeding their kittens. Plus, kittens tend to have weak immune systems and get sick at shelters.”
As Kariko settled into a quiet and cozy room, she began to relax and the vigilance in her eyes faded away.
“She explored her new space and I think she realized she was safe. When I sled her she immediately began making biscuits on the blanket. She was grateful to be in a comfortable environment.”
Two little calicos, Caddy and Gretchen, inherited their mother’s beautiful mark. Gretchen was a garbage rant and caddy was the biggest in the bunch. Their two brothers, Damien (Ginger) and Aaron (Tuxedo), had huge appetites and full of energy.
Caddy, Damien, Gretchen, AaronAshley
In a calm environment, mother cat Regina began taking more breaks to eat, rest, stretch and use, rather than constantly protecting her kittens as she did in the shelter.
“She’s a doting mom and is very caring for the baby.”
Regina is very caring for kittensAshley
Ashley monitors weights every day and provides extra feeding to anyone who needs them. Gretchen is much smaller than his siblings and needs additional support to keep up with his size.
Regina lay beside her, allowing her pussy to nurse the nursing while she groomed one by one, filling the room with her soothing pulla.
Beautiful Caliko seems to be relieved to have a kind person who will meet her needs and ensure that all kittens are on the right track.
“She’s so sweet and friendly and I love attention. I sometimes sit and cuddly sit while she breastfeeds the baby, and she closes her eyes. I want a pet, I Please come to me.”
“If she hears one of the kittens crying away for a while, she will come back to check them out soon.
Still the biggest kitten, Kady is able to cuddle her like a pillow.
Caddy allows her brother to use her as a pillowAshley
Regina blossomed into a fun cat with an attractive personality. “She has this adorable habit of lovingly tweaking the baby and giving her a small headbutt. You can see how much she cares.”
“She loves to drink water directly from the tap and also likes to relax in the sink if she needs a break from the baby.”
Regina likes to hang out in the sinkAshley
Gretchen, the smallest still, was the first to open her eyes. She also discovered a voice and had a lot to say. “She is currently 110 grams, which is a big difference from her siblings. She’s all 203-223 grams.”
“She’s a small fighter. I’ll supplement her as long as I need it.”
Gretchen is a small fighterAshley
Regina and her cat were given a better chance of living, and she flourished in an adorable, loving cat.
“She’s a good mom, but I’m grateful that this will be her last garbage. She will be adopted into a relaxed, loving home and doesn’t have to think about caring for the baby.”
Share this story with your friends. Regina, her cat, and Ashley’s Fosters grows on Instagram and Liberation Cat House on Instagram.
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