The cat helped the kitten into the feeder. Now, a year later, a little person will deliver the best possible outcome.
JunKristen Starner
Sam, an animal rescuer at St. Francis Society Animal Rescue, received a message about a mother cat who brought the kitten to the feeder at the trailer park.
The kitten, the only survivor of her trash, was sick and frail with her eyes shattered. She desperately needed intervention as her mother struggled to take care of her. Despite everything, she continued to live with her powers.
Kristen Sterner, a foster parent volunteer specializing in caring for newborn kittens, quickly took her along.
Jun’s motherAndrea Christian
She provided 24 hours intensive care and did everything she could to save the kitten. “She was in a state of crisis, extremely lethargic, dehydrated and not eating,” Kristen shared with Mee of Love.
When the kitten started crashing overnight and refused to eat, Kristen feared the worst and worried that she might lose her.
Kristen Starner
After keeping the kitten warm and stabilizing blood sugar levels, she bouncing off, but it went to touch. At one point, even the medical team wasn’t sure about her chances, but Kristen didn’t stop fighting for her.
“I wasn’t ready to stop trying yet, and I knew she was still trying to fight to live. I was like she was going to do her belly, subcutaneous fluid, or the whole piece. I started tube feeding her so she could hydrate and get food. I slowly started eating wet food again.”
Kristen Starner
Kristen was able to sigh of relief as the kitten became stronger enough to eat it herself. “After she returned to her cute, stupid self, I knew she was going to be fine, so we made the right decision to continue fighting for her.”
At almost two months, the kitten Jun weighed only 14 ounces. He was getting younger, but he was full of spirit and determination.
Kristen Starner
As Jun steadily gained weight and strength, her seal point marks began to appear around her nose, ears, feet and tail. Meanwhile, Sam and her team returned to castration and helped other community cats like Mama Cats and her.
After Jun was ready to meet the other cat residents, she was overjoyed and bounced back with new energy.
Kristen Starner
She also loved to drive foster parents everywhere, becoming the little kitten of joy she was planning to do so.
Over the next few weeks, June blossomed a stunning young cat. Her clear markings became more prominent, and her personality really shined. “She was the sweetest, most loving little angel, and I couldn’t be more proud of her.”
Kristen Starner
The perfect family entered her life as Jun was ready to spread her wings and find a home to love. They welcomed her with open arms and she quickly settled down as if she was always part of their family.
It’s been about a year since Jun was hired. “We saw her flowers on Earth, the most playful, curious, sassy, and terrible kitten,” Jun’s adoption shared.
Kristen Starner
“She likes to round and slept on my lap, round for most of the day.”
Wherever her people are, working on a computer, relaxing in the living room, in the kitchen or bathroom, they’re happy with it. She became the sweetest little companion.
Jun’s employer
Jun and her cat brothers are inseparable best friends. Despite coming from various garbage, they are prank partners, constantly in sync and reflect each other when they play or plot the next anti-treat.
Jun and her cat brothersJun’s employer
Kristen and her fellow rescuers never gave up on Jun. Now she is transforming from a small, sickly kitten into a gorgeous cat, along with her beloved family who worships her.
Best friendsJun’s employer
Share this story with your friends. St. Francis Society’s Details Animal Rescue Instagram @stfrancisrescuetampa and Facebook. Thank you for Kristen @widdlekittenclub.
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