Stargazing refers to an abnormal body position seen in reptiles, especially snakes, who suffer from a disease or injury that interferes with the normal functioning of their central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). This causes the affected reptile to twist their head and neck and look up at the sky. Stargazing is not a disease in itself, but a symptom of other diseases. The most important is a viral infection in boa constrictors and pythons called inclusion body disease.
Symptoms and types
While the strange stargazer posture is certainly the most noticeable symptom, depending on the underlying cause, other issues may also become apparent, such as:
- Difficulty moving
- Disorientation
- depression
- trembling
- Seizures
- Unable to return to normal position after lying on back
Boas with inclusion body disease often show symptoms such as vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss and skin problems, but pythons usually show no other symptoms as the disease develops a rapidly progressing severe neurological disease.
Stargazing can be seen in any disease or condition that affects a reptile’s central nervous system. The most common include:
- Trauma
- Extremely high or low body temperature
- Toxic exposure
- Infection with bacteria, parasites, viruses, or other microorganisms
Stargazing can be identified simply by observing your reptile’s body position and behavior, but blood tests, x-rays, or tissue biopsies may be necessary to diagnose the underlying cause.
The appropriate treatment for stargazing syndrome will depend on the underlying cause. If it’s due to a bacterial infection, your vet will prescribe a course of antibiotics. Medications such as corticosteroids can also reduce swelling and inflammation and can be effective in certain circumstances.
Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment for inclusion body disease (the condition that causes stargazing syndrome), but with supportive care, some infected boas can survive for several months before succumbing to the virus.
Life and Management
Symptoms of stargazing may subside with time and treatment. Reptiles will often require supplemental nutrition and hydration until they recover from stargazing. However, if your reptile’s condition does not improve with appropriate treatment or if their quality of life is poor, euthanasia may be the best option.