A normal mare pregnancy, or pregnancy, lasts for about 11 months. As she approaches delivery, you will start to see signs that she will give birth within weeks. This includes enlarged breast glands, a more relaxed or “dropped” belly, and perhaps a slight reduction in her appetite.
A little white milk “wax” may appear on the tips of her nipples a few days before birth, but this is not necessarily the case. At this point she will need to move to a large, heavy layered food stall or small vote in a quiet area, away from other horses. She should be under the least stress possible.
As the exciting day approaches, there are some things you can do to prepare to support the mares and her goals throughout the birth process.
Preparing the forearing kit
While she prepares, you can prepare for an imminent birth by preparing a for-aring kit that includes:
Thermometer– Monitor the temperature and health of mares and foals after birth before the first veterinary visit.
towel– If the mares are calm and comfortable right after birth, you can gently dry the foal with a towel so that they don’t get too cold.
Diluted chlorhexidine or betadine– It is recommended to soak in umbilical chlorhexidine or betadine solution after the foal has risen and spontaneously tear from the placenta. The navel is an open connection between the outside world and the foal circulation, and can be the gateway to infection. Soak several times in the first few days while the umbilicus is dry. If the navel is not dry, warm or swollen, or you may experience drops of urine, take the foal to the veterinarian for an examination. These are all signs of a possible infection or patent ulahas (this condition occurs when the urinary tract does not close properly after birth).
Fleet en intestines-This is useful if the foal passes through meconium or the first fertilizer formed during pregnancy. The initial fertilizer is usually dark or caramel in a solid bowl. They should be handed over the first 9-12 hours of life. If your foal is nervous to pass through the fertilizer, your veterinarian may advise you to administer the en intestines of the fleet. Do not manage one or more enemies under guidance as serious meconium effects can require further veterinary intervention and too many intestines can cause colonic trauma and other problems.
Banamine-This will help your mares deal with the late stages of pain, discomfort, or inflammation from the birth process.
Falling stage
There are three stages in the fore-aring, or birth process.
Stage 1 (several hours)
At this stage, the mares begin to show signs of discomfort as the uterus begins to contract. She paces, sweats, lie down repeatedly and gets up or rolls around from time to time.
As her contraction continues, her own movement stimulates the foal and moves into the cervix and the birth canal. Once inside the cervix, the placenta releases allant liquid fluid due to pressure on the cervix. This is called “water destruction” and marks the end of stage 1.
Stage 2 (15-30 minutes)
At this stage, contractions in the mares include abdominal effort along with uterine contractions. These intense moments usually consist of several strong pushes followed by a short rest. These normal rhythmic contractions are repeated until the foal is completely expelled. During birth, the normal position of the foal is the first appearance of the front paw and nose. It’s like the foal “dives”, then the rest of the body continues.
If you notice that the contraction is stopped at any time, if your progress stops (for example, you can only see your feet for more than 15 minutes), or if something other than your feet first appears, you should call your veterinarian because the foal is in an unusual position and requires quick veterinary assistance. Unusual positioning can lead to tears and c-sections, which can be fatal for both the mares and the foals. Stage 2 ends after the mares push the foal all the way through.
Stage 3 (within 3 hours after birth)
This stage shows the passage of the remaining fetal membrane and placenta.
These first times are also important times to link between the mare and her horse, so human intervention must be minimal. Some mares can be protective and slightly offensive. Even if your mares are usually very sweet and loving, come close carefully to her until she settles down.
If your mares are comfortable, you can gently dry the foal with a towel, clean the food stall bedding, creating a warm and clean environment. It is not uncommon for a mare to become tired or hungry after giving birth. So make sure hay is available and make sure the food stall is clean, heavy and can lie comfortably.
First time after birth
After the foal is born, the veterinarian uses a 1-2-3 approach to monitor health and behavioral measures.
Approximately 1 hour after birththe foal should be standing or standing with minimal intervention.
Approximately 2 hours after birthThe foal should be nursing. The first few hours of life are important. This is when they consume colostrum. Colostrum is the first milk produced by mares and is rich in important antibodies that help to form the newborn’s immune system. Because foals are born with a completely naive immune system, colostrum is full of antibodies to help targets create immunity. Colostrum is only absorbed by the foal’s intestinal system for about 24 hours, and most foals require about 2-3 quarts of colostrum in the first 6-8 hours, creating an appropriate starting point for healthy immunity.
If your foal is not nursing well within a few hours, your veterinarian should come out for a visit. They may administer colostrum via enteral gastric tubes. Bottle-raising foals are not recommended due to the high risk of inhalation (putting milk into the lungs) and the incidence of pneumonia.
If this is the first foal of a mare, the nursing sensation can be slightly offensive or strange, so you may be able to move away from the foal. You may need to slow her down to keep her while the foal finds the nipple. If she’s kicking creaks, your vet may recommend vanamine to reduce pain and sensitivity.
Approximately 3 hours after birthAll fetal membranes and placenta must pass through. Nursing of foals stimulates further contraction to allow these tissues to pass. If part of the placenta is still hanging after 3 hours, let your veterinarian come to the exam. This is because it is a very simple way for bacteria to enter the body and can be the main source of severe infections, laminitis and other conditions.
Within the first 9-12 hours, you will see a newborn foal passing through the meconium.
Healthy foal behaviour
Normal physical examination findings for foals include:
Temperature: 99–102 F. Foals cannot adequately regulate their own temperature and may differ based on weather conditions and other external factors.
Heart Rate: 80-120 beats in one minute, but it can be higher if the foal is excited or worried.
Breathing rate: Breaths from 20-40 per minute.
Normal height and weight vary widely depending on the breed and genetic factors of bitch and sow. Most average-sized quarter-horse or thoroughbred foals range from 80 to 110 pounds.
Nursing habits: Newborn foals should be nursed frequently, usually 7-10 times per hour, about one minute at a time.
Foals should vary depending on the duration of rest, nursing, and being active and active. Foals are curious creatures, but they usually stay close to their mothers, especially the first few days of life.
The exam for newborn foals should be performed approximately 24 hours after birth, or early if problems arise during birth. The test includes physical tests to check for physical abnormalities and blood tests to check for proper antibody consumption.
Common problems with newborn foals
Common medical issues that can occur in newborn foals are:
Passive Transfer Fail (FPT): This occurs when the foal does not receive the appropriate amount of colostrum. If the foal does not consume sufficient colostrum or if the colostrum is low in antibodies, the veterinarian may recommend IV plasma to boost the immune system. There are many types of plasma available, but in certain areas, some may be recommended, such as gastrointestinal types, including protective antibodies against some physiological worms, bacteria that cause severe pneumonia in foals, or bacteria that cause some diarrhea.
Meconium C
Umbilical infection
Joint disease: When bacteria enter the bloodstream and cause joint inflammation, joint disease can occur. Symptoms include mild lens or swelling over one or more joints, fever and lethargy.
diarrhea: Poetic diarrhea can be caused by a variety of factors, including infection and dietary changes. It is important to deal with diarrhea quickly as it can lead to dehydration and other complications.
Respiratory infections: Foals are susceptible to respiratory infections, which may not be able to clean placental fluid from the lungs from bacteria and viruses, milk intake during nursing, cleft palate, or premature babies. Symptoms include coughing and wheezing, increased respiratory rate, lethargy, fever and nasal drainage.
It suppresses postnatal tendons or laxDuring your first veterinary visit, your foal limbs will be evaluated for proper conformation. Depending on whether the fetus has been dropped or whether the foal is walking on the toes, the veterinarian may recommend exercise restrictions, splints, specialist shoes, medications, or other treatments. Severe cases may require surgery, but in most cases, medically correct exercise can be managed.
Your foal’s first veterinary visit consists of a very thorough physical examination to check for the above conditions, along with eye problems, cardiovascular or respiratory abnormalities, and discusses the mare/foal relationship.
If your mares don’t want to raise a foal, your vet should be called immediately. It can help to sedate the mares if necessary, give them anti-inflammatory agents, or implement hormonal protocols that can help regulate the mare. If the mares reject the foal and hormones, or if your foal is orphaned, your veterinarian will help you create a care plan.
Featured Images: istock.com/danbrandenburg