Kitten climbs through the window to get into the house, overjoyed when someone picks her up and her life changes

By SecretWuff 5 Min Read

A kitten was found trying to climb into the house. She was so happy when someone picked her up and her life changed.


On Christmas Eve, the kitten was found climbing through a window and trying to get into the house, but no one came to collect it.

Wilma, a volunteer with Elianie Animal Rescue, learned about the kitten from a friend and offered to help. “The woman who contacted me was very concerned about the kitten’s future and safety. The rescue organization I fostered immediately said yes to taking the kitten,” Wilma said. told Love Meow.

“Within an hour, Eve (the kitten) was delivered to our door.”

Preet's kitten is now cleanShe was found trying to climb into the house.Wilma

The kitten, longing for a home, quickly transformed into a purring, happy “biscuit maker”. “She was loving and cuddly from the moment I got her.”

Eve was very dirty and slightly underweight, but otherwise healthy. After a much-needed bath, she curled up in a soft towel and fell into a contented sleep.

Perfect kitten pouchShe spent her first few days cuddling up in her adoptive mother’s sweatshirt pouch.Wilma

“For the first few days, she was on my lap almost all the time. I carried her around with a cat pouch on my trainer. After a few days, she understood what the toy was and she was on my lap most of the time. I started moving to my napping place.”

“She is incredibly affectionate and loves to cuddle and be cuddled.”

A pouch carried by a kittenWilma

Eve gorged herself on food like there was no tomorrow, wondering when she would eat again. She loved cuddling up in her cozy cat pouch, but as soon as she saw another cat eating, she would jump out to get food.

“Especially in the beginning, we just couldn’t get enough to eat.”

hungry kitten foodShe was very hungry and came with a big appetite.Wilma

“She cries every time I put her down and jumps into my lap as soon as I sit down. She has a big round belly now. I love that she’s in a warm, safe place now. is very grateful to her discoverer.”

Slowly but surely, Eve realized that she would never be lonely or hungry again. She also learned to pick up stray cats and sneak treats from the native cats.

sweet kitten cuteShe became a full-time lap cat.Wilma

Eve turned heads at her first veterinary visit. She allowed the staff to take care of her while getting all the attention. She charmed everyone she met with her confident, affectionate personality and squealing voice.

After a long day of playing and eating delicious food, Eve took a nap on Wilma’s lap. “She’s perfect except for trying to steal food from my mouth.”

sleeping cat kittenWilma

The kitten blossomed into a ball of playful energy, running around, jumping on toys, and following its foster parents like little shadows.

Georgie, the resident cat, was a little apprehensive about Eve at first, but her gentle personality and willingness to share her food quickly won her over. “She’s very cooperative when it comes to cleaning up after the food.”

kitten cat eats foodEve loves helping Georgie with meals.Wilma

Eve has a keen interest in the office desk and is actively engaged in all tasks. She taps and tests every pen, thoroughly inspects paper and post-its, and works as her adoptive mother’s diligent little assistant.

When you’re tired from hard work, you can stretch out and refresh yourself on Wilma’s lap.

kitten office helpershe is a hardworking little office assistantWilma

A kitten that once tried to enter people’s homes now enjoys sitting on warm laps every day, having her cat teach her tricks, and looking forward to endless food.

Cute kitten cat sitting on lapWilma

Please share this story with your friends. Eve details and Wilma’s foster parents on Instagram and Eliany Animal Rescue on Instagram.

Related article: A kitten named Macaroni with many toes finds a kind person who helps him run around like other kittens

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