Hey friends! Today, September 19th, is “Meow Like a Pirate Day,” when our feline friends don their best pirate hats and eye patches and let out some cheery “meows” that will echo across the open seas.
It’s a fun-filled day of adventure as cats and their owners embark on a grand adventure in search of hidden treasure (or maybe just the elusive red dot).
Meow Like a Pirate Day: Why Black Cats Bring Good Luck
We’ve been celebrating this quirky cat holiday for years. What’s your cat’s pirate name?
This year, Captain Odin and First Mate Otto will be bringing you fun and poetry at sea.
Did you know that cats have over 30 muscles that control their ears and can rotate them 180 degrees? Just like pirates who wore eye patches to quickly adjust their eyes between the bright decks and the dark bottom of a ship, cats have unique vision in low light.
Polydactyl cats were especially prized by sailors and pirates because of their extra toes, which gave them superior climbing and hunting abilities. These cats were thought to bring good luck on board ships and were believed to help them maintain balance on the open seas.
So gather your crew, hoist the pirate flag, and let your inner pirate cat set sail with playful mischief and purrs of delight.