Is it okay for dogs to eat ribs?

By SecretWuff 7 Min Read
Always consult your veterinarian before introducing your dog to any new food, especially “human food.” What would you like if you were alone?

As I was putting the finishing touches on the BBQ, I noticed Fido waiting for a bite. Once you’ve bitten into a delicious rib, you might want to feed your dog the leftover bone. But do dogs have ribs too?

Unfortunately for your furry friend, Dogs should not eat ribs or animal bonesfor that matter.

Ribs can easily shatter, and if your dog comes into contact with them, it can cause very serious health problems, including broken teeth and intestinal blockages.

However, if your hound has a gnawing habit, there are many safe alternatives to animal bones that can satisfy that urge. More on that later.

Is it okay for dogs to eat ribs?

All animal bones, including ribs, are a big no for dogs, no matter what size or breed they are, and whether the bones are cooked or not.

Why are ribs bad for dogs?

Ribs can cause serious health problems that require urgent medical attention.

Feeding ribs to dogs has the following risks:

broken tooth

Chewing on ribs can break or break teeth, which can injure your dog’s gums and mouth.

a A broken tooth can be very painful and can lead to a root abscess if not treated properly. In some cases, we may perform root canal treatment or apply a crown to save a broken tooth. Unfortunately, if the damage is severe, the broken tooth may need to be extracted.

choking hazard

Bones are a high choking hazard for dogs, and this can occur if bone fragments become lodged in their airways.

Signs that your dog is choking include:

  • gasp

  • cough

  • drool

  • having difficulty breathing or not breathing

  • make loud breathing sounds

  • poke their face with your foot

  • become frantic or panicky

  • turning blue

  • loss of consciousness

Choking is an emergency. Here’s what to do if your dog suffocates.

  1. Carefully remove the obstruction from the airway or perform the Heimlich maneuver to remove bone.

  2. Even if the bone can be removed, see a veterinarian at your local veterinary hospital or veterinary clinic. Your dog’s mouth, throat, and neck will be examined for bone trauma, and X-rays may be done to ensure your dog hasn’t swallowed any other bones.


Cooked bones can pose an even greater threat than uncooked bones.

This is because heated bones are more likely to fracture, which can lead to a life-threatening condition called peritonitis.

intestinal obstruction

Intestinal obstruction is also a significant risk when sharing bones with your dog. This can occur if your dog is unable to pass the swallowed bone into his stool.

A blockage can cause the intestine to rupture (known as a perforation) or destroy part of the intestine. Both of these situations can be fatal.

If you suspect your dog has an intestinal obstruction, seek immediate treatment at your veterinarian or local veterinary emergency clinic.

My dog ​​swallowed his ribs. What should I do?

If your dog swallows a rib, seek veterinary care immediately at your veterinarian or local veterinary emergency clinic.

Your veterinarian will provide specific advice based on your dog’s medical history based on a physical exam. They may recommend:

If you think your dog has swallowed a rib, here are some possible signs of pain or discomfort:

Even if your dog doesn’t swallow the ribs, gnawing on the fatty tissue left on the edges can also cause health problems.

Like other foods high in fat, eating this part of the ribs can cause painful conditions such as pancreatitis.

What to give your dog instead of ribs

Our four-legged friends have the instinct to bite. And there are safer options than animal bones that do not pose major health risks and can satisfy the animal’s desires.

When choosing safe chews for your puppy, choose: Product approved by the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC). Here are some of our VHOC-approved favorites.

It is important to remember that when using chew toys, pet parents should always monitor their dog to ensure that they do not break off and swallow large pieces.

Frequently asked questions about dogs and ribs

Can dogs eat beef ribs?

No, you shouldn’t feed your dog ribs. These tend to be larger than other types of ribs, but the potential benefits of having ribs on your dog are outweighed by the risk of serious injury.

Can dogs eat pork ribs?

No, you should not feed your dog pork bones. There are many other ways to provide your dog with safe alternatives without the same risks as feeding him pork ribs.

Can dogs eat cooked ribs?

No, you should not feed your dog cooked ribs. Cooking ribs does not completely eliminate serious risks to your dog, including choking hazard, intestinal obstruction, and perforation (laceration) of the gastrointestinal tract.

Are ribs safe for dogs?

No, ribs are not safe for dogs. They can easily break, cause your dog to suffocate, and cause serious health problems that may require surgery or other veterinary treatment.


april saylor

freelance writer

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