Teaching your dog to lie down is one of several important commands that your dog should know. Of course, your pet should also know to come when called and to sit. But how exactly do you teach your pet these commands?
Dogs are intelligent animals and can learn tricks quickly. Of course, treats can make them learn even easier, especially if you use them as a training aid. Dogs can recognize your emotions and will help you in your efforts. Dogs sense your enthusiasm and praise, so use these elements to your advantage. Many puppies are eager to please, which will motivate them to continue with the lessons. If you want to teach your dog to lie down, read on for our step-by-step guide.
Before you begin
Admittedly, down is an advanced command that requires patience and frequent repetition. Don’t despair if it takes a few tries before your dog understands. Remember, the lesson isn’t over even if your dog is able to down on command. You should still repeat the command from time to time to reinforce it.
Treats should be available during training. One way to teach this trick is to give your dog a reward when he performs the trick on his own. This creates a positive association between the trick and the reward. We recommend using a clicker as another audio cue to get your pet to respond the way you want. Everyone in the house should understand the steps and command words to avoid confusing your pet.
Do the lesson alone with your pet in a quiet room. Your dog may be more attentive if you do the lesson when he is calm or preparing for a nap. After all, an excited dog will be distracted and won’t see any connection with what you are doing.
Now that you’re mentally prepared and your treats are ready, let’s go through the steps to teach your dog to lie down.
7 easy steps to teach your dog to lie down
1. First, ask your dog to sit
Once you get your dog to sit, half the trick is done. If your dog already knows this command, even better. But make sure you reward your dog for completing the command before moving on to the next step. The difficulty with this method is keeping the actions separate in your pet’s mind. The goal is to keep sit and lie as separate actions that are both rewarded when completed.
2. Offer a treat in front of your dog
Holding a treat in front of your dog creates the necessary expectation for behavior: let your dog know there’s a treat, but hold on tight if he tries to snatch it away — after all, the treat has a price, and your dog has to work to get it.
3. Use treats to lure your puppy into a down position
Trainers call this technique “lure.” The goal is to keep your dog focused on the treat, and then lower the treat to the floor, encouraging your dog to slide his body forward to get the treat. When your pet lies down, say the command, click the clicker if you’re using one, and give him a treat. Be sure to praise your pet when it does something well. We also know that placing a treat between your pet’s legs helps them stay in this position longer, as this helps strengthen the bond between you and your pet.
Four. Repeat the process with the command, clicker, and treat.
Making an association requires repetition, so you should begin this process by gradually lowering yourself to the floor so your dog understands your request. Use the command and a clicking sound to show your pet’s response.
Five. Pay attention to your dog’s reactions
We recommend that you pay attention to your pet’s reaction. If he doesn’t seem to understand, take a break and try again later. The hurdle you have to overcome is teaching your dog the difference between sit and down. He will probably put his belly on the floor and jump up or go back to a sit position. Your job is to show your dog that this command is different.
6. Or, start in a standing position.
You can avoid this sit dilemma by starting the lesson with your dog standing. Some pets find it easier to separate the two behaviors if you eliminate the intermediate step. The steps are the same: command, clicker, and reward. Make sure your puppy’s hocks and elbows are down before starting the lesson. Give a treat.
7. Lying down and getting paid
An easy way to reinforce this command is to film your dog doing the behavior. It will take repeated lessons to associate the stimulus with a positive response. Puppy in this positionYou can use commands, clickers and rewards to strengthen the association.
Something you can not do
Positive reinforcement is the best method of training. Dogs are sensitive to harsh words. Many dog breeds are sensitive to harsh words. This is especially true for dogs that are very attached to their owners. Therefore, you need to re-emphasize patience and praise your dog when he does the right thing. It is not advisable to force your dog to adopt this attitude, as it will likely backfire.
Your dog will dislike it and will probably hesitate. He may even develop negative associations with the behavior, hindering your efforts. A lead should not be used either. The best approach is to make it a natural response to your training method. Note that this command is usually not a one-and-done response. It will require repeated over and over again until your dog finally understands the association and learns exactly what you expect from him.
Final thoughts
Teaching your dog to lie down is taking dog training to the next level. But lying down gives you a technique you can use to add additional commands your puppy can execute. The trick is to create a positive association with a cue that your pet can easily detect. That’s why a clicker can be so helpful. Marking the action is an effective way to make the command and action stick. Plus, the treats are a really tasty bonus.
Featured image credit: Zbynek Pospisil