How to switch to environment -friendly cat garbage: 6 steps to make changes

By SecretWuff 13 Min Read

Photo of Dr. Amanda Charles

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Let’s face it: It’s not just a good time to handle cat garbage as we worship a cat! Cats need to be satisfied with garbage, but also need to be relatively troublesome to clean.

If you want to start the use of environmentally friendly cat garbage, but if you don’t know how to switch to a new garbage, it is covered.

This article describes how to switch normally to a new cat’s garbage that is kind to various types of environment.

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What is an environmentally friendly cat garbage?

If you are worried about the environment and want to keep carbon dioxide emissions as small as possible, environment -friendly cat garbage will be useful. This type of garbage is generally made using biodegradable materials that are recycled and renewed. It may also be a by -product from other industries. In other words, it is sustained after minimal processing.

Considering that disposal of environmentally friendly cat garbage can be composted by biodegradable, there may be almost no guilty.

Corn Filler cat garbageCorn Filler cat garbage
Image Credit: YARM_SASHA, ShutterStock

Partition 1 pairPartition 1 pair

How to switch to environment -friendly cat garbage

Many of this depend on your cat and what you are looking for in garbage. Still, there is a general guide here:

1. Please do it gradually

Cats are not fans of change, especially about food and garbage. The best way to introduce a new garbage is to do it slowly and slowly.

Mix a small amount of new garbage with normal garbage. In the first week, we aim for a new garbage of about 80 %. In the second week, the cat uses new garbage to make 40 % of new garbage 60 % older.

With this transition, place the new garbage at the bottom with old garbage on top.

2. Avoid so many changes at once

If you have anything else that has already happened at home, don’t introduce a new garbage to your cat. For example, if you switch garbage because you have two cats, switching old cat garbage is not a good idea. They are already dealing with new cat stress.

Don’t think about making a change if you are moving, having a new baby, or doing something else.

Paper cat garbagePaper cat garbage
Image Credit: Douglas Cliff, shutter stock

3. Set up multiple trash cans

If your cat is reluctant to use new garbage, consider setting up the second garbage bin with another new garbage. You can do this with two or more if necessary.

For example, one trash can, another pine, and the other is bamboo garbage. This can select cats from several new liters and help them identify their favorite garbage.

4. Make it familiar

Cats also prefer the types of trash cans. For example, you may not be used to the roof or self -cleaning box. When switching to a new cat garbage, consistent places as the type of trash can. In general, cats prefer to use a clean, easy access, and use a “safe” trash can. Do not put a box in a noisy area and release from the food or water bowl.

5. Reward the cat

If your cat is still reluctant, always give them a snack and praise. Like almost all animals, cats are motivated, so if you give high value snacks when using garbage, you may be motivated to keep using them.

The owner of a woman who gives her cat a TREAT runThe owner of a woman who gives her cat a TREAT run
Image Credit: Julija Sulkovska, ShutterStock

6. Please try it

A lot of things about cat garbage can be postponed, texture and smell are the biggest factors. If you are trying garbage and want to pee on the floor rather than a cat going to the trash can, you need to get something new.

It is convenient to try multiple trash cans, which means spending a lot of money on all different liter. Select the minimum or cheapest box/bag as possible. If a cat is regularly performing a toilet outside the trash can, or if there are other changes in the action, confirm that there is no fundamental medical problem that needs to be dealt with from a veterinarian. Please do.

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What is the environment -friendly cat garbage made?

There are a lot of environmentally friendly cat garbage from very various materials! When choosing, consider allergies that you or your cat may have. The following can be obtained as cat garbage, and each has its advantages and weaknesses.

  • bamboo: Bamboo is the most common of natural cat garbage, but is absorbed by odor control and is decent. However, lumps tend to fall apart.
  • coconut: Coconut shells make wonderful cat garbage. It can be aggregated or unmodified, lightweight and completely biodegradable. However, it is troublesome and sometimes difficult to find to buy.
  • Corn: Corncat garbage has been present for a while. It can be aggregated, lightweight, has almost no dust, and is often flashed. However, odor control is not always the best.
  • Grass seeds: The lump of grass seeds has almost no dust and is soft with the feet, but tends to track.
  • paper: Recycled paper may be aggregated, non -clump, absorbed, and has no dust. However, odor control may be a problem.
  • Pine: Pine garbage is a biodegradable cat garbage that has been present for a while. It may not be aggregated or clamped, and it does not be so bad, but odor control is not always good.
  • Tofu: The “tofu garbage” made of soybean by -product is a dusty, lump, not tracked, reduces bad odor. However, lumps are not always together, and they can be a little muddy.
  • Walnut: Walnut cat garbage is made from fiber -like materials in walnut shells. It reduces bad odors, absorbability and dust. However, it tends to track considerable parts and does not always aggregate well.
  • wheat: Wheat cats often tend to wash away trash, and they are good at aggregation, but they are very dusty.
  • wood: Wood and cat garbage is made of various kinds of wood, so there are many options.

Even the best cat’s garbage can immediately emit a bad smell. You can try great garbage additives to avoid the cost and inconvenience of constantly replacing your garbage Advanced raw enzyme cat’s breast cancer deodorantNatural products that neutralize odor using a biological enzyme.

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  • Bio Enzyme Cat Garbage Purifier -Smart preparations use natural ingredients to eliminate cats …
  • Save money -for cats is not the cheapest. If you use the smell of eliminator in this garbage box, you …
  • All garbage, all surfaces -Are you worried that this additive will not work with garbage? Don’t be afraid! …

This deodorant operates with all kinds of garbage and does not confuse cat trash cans.

Catstar has been praising the Hepper for many years, and has decided to control the ownership of ownership so that it can benefit from the outstanding design of this cool cat company!

What to look for with environmentally friendly cat garbage

Domestic cats are the descendants of wildcats living in the desert environment, so garbage tends to prefer sand -like texture.

When buying environmentally friendly garbage, you need to consider the texture and aroma of the cat. But some people are more complicated than others, so you need something you can work together. Many of these kinds of cat garbage do not collect, like clay or silica, so you need to compare them more importantly.

Read the review (Review of 3 stars balance negative and positive) to find important aspects that can make and break garbage: dust, tracking, cohesion, odor control.

Wooden cat garbageWooden cat garbage
Image Credit: ALENKA2194, ShutterStock

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What is the problem with traditional cat garbage?

Traditional clay

Clay is the most popular cat garbage and the longest. Known for the ability to absorb and hold liquids and provides excellent odor control.

However, traditional clay does not become a lump and needs to change frequently. Normally, you need to throw away the entire garbage box, clean it, and replenish it once a week.

Bentnight clay

Bentnight sodium is the cause of conventional garbage. In fact, it may increase 15 times the size. The lumps of garbage are very popular. Especially because cleaning is easy. However, there is a concern that the bent night sodium is inhaled and causing a respiratory problem. When taken, the clay may cause a serious gastrointestinal problem if it swells. In addition, clay, which is commonly used, can be obtained from strip mining that destroys the environment.

It depends on the owner of the cat, which is perfect for cats, and talk to a veterinarian about their concerns.

A kitten sitting in a trash can with sand on the bathroom floorA kitten sitting in a trash can with sand on the bathroom floor
Image Credit: Andrey_kuzmin, ShutterStock


Silica gel constitutes a very popular crystallized cat garbage. It is absorbed, provides good odor control and lasts for a long time. There were no major research on potential risks, but so far they are considered safe unless they are taken.

It is made of silicon dioxide, a natural material formed in small pearls. It is generally considered safe, but some silica garbage has a rough texture, and many cats dislike how they feel with their feet. Also, it is not biodegradable, but silica is derived from quartz, so mining is necessary to get it.

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Changing the cat’s garbage may work incredibly. Or you may have a lot of time and patience before the cat adapts.

Garbage is an indispensable part of cat ownership, so your cat must be a garbage. If you settle in a new garbage, be sure to read the best way to use it.

There is no doubt that it is necessary to do a little trial and error when switching to environment -friendly cat garbage, but if it is performed correctly, there will be a happy cat if it can be slightly smaller carbon dioxide emissions.

Special image Credit: LightSpruch, ShutterStock

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