How to naturally treat and prevent laryngeal paralysis in dogs – Dobias Healing Solutions Ph.D.

By SecretWuff 11 Min Read

Why should you suffocate your collar and avoid excessive vaccination?

Laryngeal paralysis is an unpleasant condition with several possible causes.

It can be prevented due to several lifestyle changes. Contrary to traditional medical beliefs that surgery is the only treatment option, there are natural treatment options that can solve the disease.

Laryngeal paralysis can be one of the most painful conditions for affected dogs and their guardians. Common symptoms are noisy, harsh breathing and difficulty breathing. In more advanced cases, severe breathing difficulty and coughing are also frequent. This condition is caused by a lack or lack of tone in the laryngeal muscle either due to the inability of the muscle to respond to nerve impulses or the lack of nerve stimulation.

Conventional drugs usually consider laryngeal palsy congenital or idiopathic (of unknown origin). The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that, from an overall perspective, laryngeal palsy is relatively easy to understand and prevent. Treatment itself is by no means easy, but the overall approach can often have surprisingly positive results.

Laryngeal Anatomy

The larynx is located at the top of the trachea and at the posterior part of the mouth. The larynx is composed of the laryngeal cartilage, vocal cords and laryngeal muscles, according to Figure 1 below.

The larynx has three main functions:

1. Control the swallowing process and prevent food and liquid desires.

2. Laryngeal cartilage provides a framework for laryngeal muscle attachment and prevents airway collapse.

3. The larynx provides a “safe shelter” for the vocal cords, which play an important role in vocalization.

I like to view the larynx as a very refined, anatomically complex, neurologically intertwined system of air and water locks that swallow, breathe and vocalize. Spontaneous and involuntary reflexes and nerves control the larynx.

Definition of paralysis

When paralysis is mentioned, most of us usually imagine legs, arms, or faces that are unable to move due to spinal injuries, degeneration, or interrupted flow of nerve impulses.

Laryngeal palsy is a condition in which the laryngeal muscles relax due to interruption of nerve impulses from the cranial nerves derived from the brainstem. This causes the laryngeal cartilage to collapse, which causes mild to severe dyspnea, abnormal swallowing, and changes in speech tone. Some previous studies have tried to create a relationship between systemic nervous system degeneration, or hypothyroidism and laryngeal paralysis, but most dogs have a much easier cause.


Before diving into the most common causes of laryngeal paralysis, I would like to dedicate a few lines to the diagnosis.

Laryngeal palsy is usually diagnosed under light sedation, during which the larynx is evaluated for the position and movement of the laryngeal cartilage. Healthy laryngeal cartilage opens and closes with each breathing cycle. The paralyzed larynx usually moves less or none at all.

Intranasal endoscopy can be done without sedation, but dogs’ noses are very sensitive and dogs do not tolerate it well. Therefore, whenever possible, we recommend sedation and more traditional laryngeal tests.

Common causes

Although we believe that hypothyroidism is not the main cause of laryngeal paralysis, it makes perfect sense that dogs suffering from hypothyroidism are more likely to suffer from laryngeal dysfunction.

If you are well aware of the anatomy of the larynx, you should not be surprised that traditional collar and leash use can cause severe larynx injuries. Given the harmful effects of chalk, martingale, prongs and shock collars, the general health impact can be devastating, especially when using large dogs pulling the leash. This is definitely not an exaggeration. Collar damage can cause severe destruction of energy flow within the body, leading to laryngeal paralysis, skin problems, neck joint damage, organ and hormonal diseases, and even cancer.

Using a retractable leash with a stop mechanism can cause repeated damage to the larynx, which can lead to paralysis. Even play can be harmful. For example, tug-of-war with a stronger human counterpart, or hanging a dog in the air while holding a toy or stick, causing nerves and energy flows to the larynx. Like humans, most overall practitioners agree that a patient’s health depends on spinal health, the main energy channel within the body.

Of course, it is logical that poor diets and high toxin levels can occur, but it is not a major factor in laryngeal paralysis. In summary, injuries, limitations, or contractions of the neck area increase the risk of laryngeal paralysis. There is another cause worth mentioning – side effects of rabies vaccines.

Side effects of rabies vaccines

Other articles on vaccines and their side effects state that killing vaccines like rabies, distemper, parvoviruses, and other vaccines cannot cause actual illness, but appears to cause symptoms similar to the disease itself. From a homeopathic perspective, even killed vaccines can result in energy imprinting of real diseases, and this disease energy “record” can be “regenerated” in the form of disease-like symptoms.

For example, parvovirus vaccines can ignite symptoms of diarrhea, and we have seen rabies vaccines cause behavioral changes and make dogs more susceptible to laryngeal paralysis.

Interestingly, actual live rabies viruses affect the brain, interfere with the function of the cranial nerve, and lead to laryngeal paralysis. A typical symptom of rabies is the inability to swallow, exhale and choke as if there was something in the throat. Logically, it makes sense that dogs who are repeatedly and unnecessarily vaccinated against rabies are prone to laryngeal paralysis.

Treatment and prevention

Preventing laryngeal paralysis is much easier than treatment. Here’s what I suggest:

Use appropriate harnesses with the leash attached to the front and back of the chest. Do not attach the leash to the collar, especially if your dog is pulling.

Do not use martingale, prongs, chokes, or electric collars.

Using a shock absorbing leash, avoid using a retractable leash as spring tension can be severe enough to cause serious damage to the dog’s larynx.

Be very careful about tug-of-war with your dog. Slide the leash or toy in your hand easily, and do not lift the dog into the air with the object he holds in his mouth.

Let your dog check by an Experienced Physiotherapist, chiropractor, or every 3 months, or monthly, or monthly if the dog is 8 years or older. Ask other dog lovers for reference and pay attention to treatment outcomes. If your dog gets worse after some treatment, find another practitioner.

If you need to administer a rabies vaccine, use the homeopathic treatment lysine 200 C after vaccination as a precaution. If you notice changes in your dog’s health or behavior, consult your overall veterinarian.

Of course, it goes without saying that a proper natural diet without kibble or grains, as well as natural, high-quality supplements are key to preventing any illness.

If your dog has been diagnosed with laryngeal paralysis, all of the above procedures are applied, but will increase the frequency and intensity of physical or chiropractic treatment. Be patient and progress slowly and not let your body be discouraged. It takes years for symptoms of this chronic disease to appear, and at least at least the same time for it to improve.

If your dog is experiencing difficulty breathing, make sure his or her bedroom is cool and cleaned. If you have dog pants at night, consider a fan or air conditioner, especially if you live in hot or humid areas. We can see that many older dogs have this tendency. This may be due to liver weakness and accumulation of toxins. All dogs with laryngeal paralysis will benefit from a six-month liver cleansing. It is also recommended to feed them late in the afternoon, as opposed to the evening. The digestive process generates a lot of heat, so feeding early can reduce your chances of breathing at night.

Homeopathic treatments may also reduce symptoms of laryngeal paralysis. However, each case must be evaluated individually. It is recommended to consult an experienced veterinarian homeopath.

Reactive and aggressive drugs

If your dog is affected by laryngeal paralysis, he knows how to deal with this condition. However, if he or she is lucky enough to be unaffected by this condition, we hope this information will help you prevent it. Tell this article to your friends. Thank you for your interest in keeping your dog healthy, naturally and happy.

©Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM

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