How to keep your dog’s ears clean

By SecretWuff 8 Min Read

Keeping your dog’s ears clean is an important part of your dog’s overall health and grooming and can prevent or treat potential health problems, such as infections. But cleaning your dog’s ears can be difficult, especially if you’ve never done it before.

Your vet will be able to advise you on how often you should clean your puppy’s ears – cleaning may also be necessary if your dog develops an ear infection.

Proper ear care is essential when looking after your dog, so it’s important to do it correctly to prevent injury or damage to your dog’s ears.

Should you clean your dog’s ears?

Your vet can help you determine whether and how often you should clean your dog’s ears. They may ask you questions like:

  • Does your dog have a lot of earwax?

  • Is your dog groomed regularly?

  • Your dog is swim?

  • Does your dog have underlying allergies?

Some dogs don’t have ear wax, or live a life that requires frequent ear cleaning (dogs that swim, play in the mud, have long, droopy ears that are clogged with hair).

However, if your dog has water in their ears while swimming or bathing, you should clean their ears.

Dogs who suffer from allergies or ear infections also benefit from regular ear cleaning — in fact, cleaning your puppy’s ears can help prevent ear infections or reduce their frequency.

Check your dog’s ear wax once a month, or your groomer may provide routine ear checks.

Bath time is a great time to check your dog’s ears, and you can also take a peek while brushing or clipping their nails.

If you’re not sure whether you should clean your dog’s ears regularly, take him to the vet for an examination. They can determine if there’s any reason to avoid cleaning his ears.

Your vet may not recommend regular ear cleaning at home for dogs with damaged eardrums or puppies with inflamed ear canals. Puppies with trauma to the eardrum or ear canal will need careful ear cleaning by a veterinarian.

If cleaning your dog’s ears at home isn’t recommended, your vet may offer ear cleaning services, which may be a good option for dogs with infections or other health issues, or if you simply don’t feel comfortable cleaning your dog’s ears.

When to call the vet

If your dog’s ears are red, sore, or smelly, they may have an ear infection. If you notice these symptoms, do not attempt to clean your dog’s ears. Contact your veterinarian immediately.

Ear infections can be mild or severe, and your vet will be able to advise you on the best treatment and follow-up care.

When to clean your dog’s ears

There is no standard time frame for regular ear cleaning, but if you notice wax buildup in your dog’s ears, it’s time to clean them.

Every dog ​​is unique and earwax buildup can vary depending on breed, health and other factors, so talk to your veterinarian to determine the best ear cleaning schedule for you and your dog.

Dog ear cleaner

The important thing is, Cleaners approved for dogs.

please do not Do not use household products like alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or essential oils. These substances do not clean your dog’s ears effectively and can lead to ear infections and damage to the ear canal. Examples of veterinarian-recommended ear cleaners include: Virbac Epi-Otic® Advanced Ear Cleaner for Dogs and Cats.

When cleaning your puppy’s ears, use a clean cotton ball or cotton wipe.

Never use cotton swabs This can push earwax further into your dog’s ear canal, making it harder to remove earwax buildup.

In fact, cotton swabs can damage your eardrum.

How to clean your dog’s ears

  1. Make sure all your essentials are within reach. Have pet cleaner, cotton balls, or wipes on hand.

  1. Get support. If your dog is not used to having their ears cleaned, you may need someone to hold them while you clean them. Gently place your arm around your dog’s neck to restrain him or her and with your other hand, gently support the back half of your dog’s head or body.

  1. Expect chaos. Clean your dog’s ears outside or in an area that’s easy to clean until you see how much he resists or squirms. A towel may be useful for keeping the rest of your dog’s body clean.

  1. Calm. Carefully grasp the outer pendant or erect part of your dog’s ear (which is made up of hair, skin, cartilage and blood vessels (pinna)) to ensure access to the ear canal.

  1. Use a cleaner. Pour vet-approved ear cleaner into the ear canal, making sure the dog ear cleaner is poured into both the horizontal and vertical ear canal. Gently massage the base of your dog’s ear while slowly moving your hands upwards, massaging the entire ear canal.

  1. Allow your puppy to shake it off. Your dog will likely shake his head, which allows him to expel most of the cleaner and wax on his own.

  1. cleaning. Use a clean cotton ball to wipe out as much of the ear canal as you can see. Do not force cotton balls into your dog’s ears. This will help prevent injury and prevent the cotton ball from getting stuck. Repeat the cleaning and wiping process until the cotton ball is clean and there is no visible discharge in your puppy’s ear canal. If there is a lot of dirt, you may need to clean it 3-4 times.

To see these steps and follow the diagrams, download here.

Keeping your dog’s ears clean is not just a matter of hygiene, it can also help you detect problems early.

If you notice symptoms such as redness, frequent heavy soiling, odor or soreness, stop regular cleaning at home and contact your veterinarian.

This will help resolve the problem early and prevent your puppy from developing a more serious infection or pain.

Featured Image: kali9/E+ via Getty Images

Written by

Joel DeJaines, veterinarian


Hawkeye State native Joel DeJaines always wanted to be a Cyclone, and his childhood dream of becoming a veterinarian has come true…

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