How much does it cost to clean a cat’s teeth?

By SecretWuff 7 Min Read

Whether your veterinarian tells you your cat needs a teeth cleaning or you’re proactive about your cat’s oral health, what does it mean to have your cat’s teeth professionally cleaned? You’ve probably wondered if and how far it will set you back.

Here’s a complete guide to everything you need to know about having your cat’s teeth cleaned by a vet, including the average cost for cleaning your cat’s teeth.

How much does it cost to clean a cat’s teeth?

of Average Cost of Cat Teeth Cleaning in 2023 It ranged from $113 to $600 in the US.

The costs associated with cleaning your cat’s teeth vary widely based on several factors, including:

  • Office type or geographic location: Differences in expenses such as rent, payroll, and taxes can add up to be very large.

  • Dental disease severity: Cleaning the teeth of a cat with little tartar and no other oral problems is cheaper than cleaning the teeth of a cat with severe periodontitis and several loose teeth that require extraction. is.

  • Overall health: Cats with other health problems, such as kidney disease or heart disease, require additional anesthesia monitoring and support.

Your veterinarian will be able to provide you with a more personalized quote. Be sure to discuss how you would like to be handled in the event of an unforeseen situation that requires additional treatment or fees.

Communication is key to avoiding surprises when paying your bills.

What does the cost of a cat teeth cleaning include?

The only way to safely (for both the cat and the veterinarian) thoroughly examine and clean your cat’s teeth is to use common methods. anesthesia.

To prepare, your veterinarian will need the following:

  • Laboratory work to select the safest anesthesia protocol possible based on the cat’s specific needs

  • Some injectable drugs to induce anesthesia and relieve anxiety and pain

  • IV catheter. Administer intravenous fluids to maintain blood pressure and ensure immediate access to blood flow in case of an emergency.

  • A tube with an inflatable cuff is inserted into the cat’s trachea (trachea) to administer anesthetic gas and protect the lungs from fluid and debris.

  • Use of multiple monitors during anesthesia

And these are the costs before your cat’s teeth cleaning begins. Other common costs include:

  • Veterinarian and veterinarian time

  • Equipment and materials used during cleaning

  • dental x-ray

  • Antibiotics, painkillers, and other medications as needed

If your cat needs severely damaged teeth removed or other advanced treatment, you can expect to pay more.

Why do cats need professional teeth cleaning?

Research shows that the benefits of caring for your pet’s teeth go far beyond bright smiles and fresh breath.

Periodontitis (infection, inflammation, and destruction of tooth-supporting structures) can lead to severe oral infections and tooth loss. There was that too associated with increased risk of disease It may affect a cat’s heart, lungs, kidneys, and other parts of the body, but more research is needed.

Once your cat develops tartar, gingivitis, or more advanced periodontitis, the only way to remove it is through a professional dental cleaning.

Therefore, it makes financial sense to pay for a professional teeth cleaning before these problems occur or develop into more expensive health problems that afflict your pet.

Cats benefit from having their teeth professionally cleaned at least once a year, but your veterinarian can determine the best schedule for your pet.

What happens during a veterinarian cleaning a cat’s teeth?

of AAHA Dental Treatment Guidelines for Dogs and Cats lists 12 steps that veterinarians should follow before, during, and after dental cleanings, surgeries, and procedures.

The relevant content can be paraphrased as follows:

  1. Before administering anesthesia, perform a verbal assessment of your pet (easier said than done!).

  2. An x-ray will be taken of your anesthetized pet’s entire mouth. This is the only way to determine if deeper structures, such as the roots of your teeth, are healthy.

  3. We use appropriate instruments to scale (remove plaque and tartar) the teeth above and below the gum line.

  4. Brush your teeth to smooth your enamel and slow the recurrence of plaque and tartar.

  5. We perform an oral evaluation using a periodontal probe to look for deep pockets between the teeth and gums that require treatment.

  6. The pocket between your teeth and gums will be flushed to remove debris, a polishing paste will be applied, and the area will be thoroughly inspected.

  7. Any necessary periodontal treatment (root canal, etc.) or tooth extraction will be performed after explaining this to the owner and obtaining their consent.

  8. Administer systemic or local antibiotics as needed.

  9. Apply an anti-plaque substance, such as a barrier sealant, to your teeth.

  10. Biopsy any abnormal masses and submit to a qualified pathologist.

  11. Keep the airway open by intubation until the pet is able to swallow and lie on the chest.

  12. We will provide guidance on home dental treatment, including the use of safe equipment. cat dental products.

Does pet insurance cover cat teeth cleaning?

Paying for your cat’s teeth cleaning out of pocket can be expensive.

The good news is that there are several types of pet insurance, including: CarePlus® Wellness Plancovers dental cleanings.

However, keep in mind that traditional accident and illness pet insurance typically only covers injuries to your cat’s mouth and a few other limited health conditions, and not routine dental care.

Read the terms and conditions of your pet insurance policy carefully to understand exactly what is and isn’t covered.


Jennifer Coates, DVM


Dr. Jennifer Coates is an accomplished veterinarian, author, editor, and consultant with many years of experience in the field of veterinary medicine.

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