Horse skin problems | Pet MD

By SecretWuff 8 Min Read

Have you noticed any irregularities in your horse’s skin? There are a number of different issues that can affect your horse’s skin. These problems range from very simple allergies and dermatitis to parasites and tumors such as sarcoid and melanoma.

When dealing with skin conditions in horses, it is important to understand the root cause of the problem in order to treat it effectively.

Important points

  • A variety of horse skin problems can affect your horse throughout his life.
  • Many skin problems in horses can be avoided with proper care.
  • If you notice any changes in your horse’s skin, contact your veterinarian.

What skin conditions can horses have?

If you notice anything unusual with your horse’s skin or coat, it’s best to contact your veterinarian. Many equine skin conditions can look similar to each other, and your veterinarian can help you properly identify and treat the underlying problem.

Equine skin diseases can be divided into several categories.


The term dermatitis is commonly used for skin problems that cause redness, irritation, and inflammation. Horse skin problems that fall into this category include:

  • Scratches/Lump dermatitis/Greamy heels: This is the most common condition affecting horses. Moist conditions and skin irritation cause bacterial overgrowth, which usually causes redness, peeling, and scabbing of the skin, including legs and pastels.

  • Thrush: This is another bacterial and fungal overgrowth, this time occurring in and around the frog’s hooves (the meaty center). Thrush causes foul odor, frog changes, and (rarely) lameness.

  • rain rot: Bacteria and fungi can grow secondary to a wet coat (due to rain, or left damp under a blanket after sweating or bathing), causing dermatitis. Rain rot appears as raised bumps or clumps of scabs or small spots that contain horse hair. It often flakes off and leaves behind bald spots.

  • cellulitis: Very small cuts or other openings in the skin (including those caused by pastern dermatitis) can allow bacteria to invade the underlying tissue. Once the bacteria gets under the skin, it spreads, causing widespread swelling and edema (swelling caused by excess fluid being trapped in body tissues under the skin). If left untreated, this infection can spread to the lymph nodes and cause your horse to suffer from systemic disease.

  • ringworm: Despite its name, ringworm in horses is not caused by an insect, but by a fungus found in the soil. Ringworm causes very characteristic circular hair loss. The disease can be transmitted to humans through skin-to-skin contact. When treating a horse infected with ringworm, it is best to wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly.

  • seborrheic dermatitis: This form of dermatitis is characterized by oily fur and flaking. There may be a combination of underlying causes such as allergies and bacterial or fungal infections.


Viral skin diseases are caused by viruses, so infected horses can spread the disease to other horses. These diseases include:

  • wart: This papillomavirus primarily causes warts on the noses of young horses, whose immune systems are not as strong as adult horses. Warts are caused by contact with other affected young horses and usually disappear on their own over time.

  • earwax: Another symptom induced by the equine papillomavirus, earwax is a raised, solid bump that forms on the inside of the ear. It looks ugly but is otherwise benign.


Parasites live in and on horses, where they grow and multiply. Parasitic infections that can cause skin disease in horses include:

  • scabies: There are various mites that cause scabies, which causes itching and hair loss. Some of these ticks can infect humans.

  • lice: Lice infestations in horses are rare but can cause noticeable itching. Lice are also contagious to humans.

Atopic dermatitis/allergy

Horses can be born with certain allergies or develop allergies as the seasons change. Skin problems caused by allergies include:

  • hives: Just like humans, horses can have allergic reactions to things in their environment, such as pollen, detergents and chemicals in riding equipment, and even components of their own sweat. Hives are raised swellings or bumps on the skin that are itchy.

  • Sweet itch/insect sensitivity: These symptoms are an exaggerated reaction to insect bites and can cause welt swelling, hair loss, itching, and other symptoms.

  • Granuloma: These are small nodules that usually form along the horse’s back and are made up of collections of immune cells caused by allergies. These are often seen as a reaction to sensitivities to detergents and chemicals found in saddle pads and other riding equipment.


As horses grow older, tumors can appear in horses as cancer or as benign tumors. Common skin tumors seen in horses include:

  • sarcoid: These tumors can vary widely in appearance. Although these are not malignant tumors that invade other organ systems, they can become very large and locally invasive, especially if surgical removal is attempted and they worsen.

  • melanoma: These cancerous tumors are most common in gray horses. Gray horses are more likely to develop melanoma, but The underlying cause of tumor growth is currently unknown. It can occur anywhere on the horse, but is most commonly found around the rectum and caudal head.

  • Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC): This cancer is most commonly found in and around the horse’s eyes and penis. If not treated early, it can become malignant. Certain breeds of dogs, such as Haflingers and Belgians, are more prone to SCC.

Toxins/liver damage

As animals that live outdoors, horses can naturally come into contact with toxins that can cause skin diseases such as:

  • photosensitization: This condition causes the horse to be overly sensitive to sunlight, especially in areas with white coats. Hair in these areas often falls out and causes severe sunburn. There are two pathways that can cause photosensitization. One is ingestion of toxins (such as St. John’s wort) and the other is liver damage.

If you notice any of the above symptoms of these diseases, contact your veterinarian immediately. The sooner you address your horse’s skin problems, the less likely they are to spread and cause further discomfort to your horse.


cummings school. What you need to know: Squamous cell carcinoma in horses. Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine News Center. 2018.

Pfeiffer, Mallory. Photosensitization: causes and testing options. Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory. 2021.


Kaela Shuler, DVM


Dr. Kaela Shuler graduated from Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine in 2017 with a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine. rear…

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