Helped a kitten recover from a tough start and now thinks he can do anything

By SecretWuff 5 Min Read

They helped the kitten recover from a tough start. Now he thinks he can do anything.

chaton aux ferrins montreal

The kitten, Pfussuf, was born to one of the cats that was rescued from the garden. He was the only survivor of his litter and had an amazing will to live.

A few months ago, while working in the neighborhood, Samuel found a small colony of hungry and abandoned cats (some of them pregnant) in his garden. He gave them food and water, but could not leave them to fend for themselves.

No one came to help, so he decided to deal with it himself. He rented a humanitarian trap and returned with bags of food to secure everyone.

cat garden rescueSamuel found these cats in his garden and rescued them one by one.chaton aux phélins montreal

Cat rescue organization Chatons Orphelin Montréal has arranged foster homes for several cats and their kittens. Samuel sought help from other rescue organizations while creating space for the remaining cats.

One morning, a pregnant cat in his care went into labor, and Pfussuf was the only surviving kitten in the litter.

kitten towelPfussuf was rescued to receive professional treatmentchaton aux phélins montreal

Despite having the mother all to herself, the kittens were still small for their age. When Samuel started experiencing neurological symptoms, he sought help from Chatons Orphelin Montreal.

Volunteers quickly picked up the kitten and took him to Montreal over several hours. “He was very underweight, less than 700 grams, and I could feel his spine,” said Celine of Chatons-Ophélins Montreal.

kitten eyes are smallOne of his pupils was dilated and he was taken to the vet.chaton aux ferrins montreal

“When he arrived, he was trembling slightly. His foster family helped him eat as he struggled to gain weight. Although he was frail and developmentally delayed, he I was determined to live.”

After 24 hours, one of his pupils was dilated. “We immediately took him to the clinic. The veterinarians said he had Horner’s syndrome (a neurological condition that affects the eyes and the area around them), an ear infection, and possibly toxoplasmosis. I discovered that

Sweet care of a kittenThe treatment made him feel better quickly.chaton aux ferrins montreal

Shortly after starting treatment, he started turning a corner and his energy levels skyrocketed. “He recovered quickly and brought great joy to his foster parents and everyone involved in his rescue.”

As my physical strength returned, my mischievous personality began to emerge. He moved around like a pep rabbit, playfully exploring and investigating every nook and cranny.

Kitten prank boxAs he recovered, his mischievous side came out.chaton aux ferrins montreal

Puchsuf sampled fresh water from the new fountain and was completely fascinated by everything around him. He followed his men everywhere and wanted to know their every move.

After weeks of close care and nutritious food, this little warrior kitten made a full recovery. “His dilated pupils have returned to normal and his head tilt has decreased significantly. He is now gaining weight each day.”

kitten fountain explorationchaton aux phélins montreal

When Pfussuf was introduced to other cats, he decided to be the boss. He eagerly played with cats much larger than himself, wrestled with all his might, and proved himself to be a true champion.

“He’s not afraid of anything, not even the vacuum cleaner.”

kitten wrestling catchaton aux ferrins montreal

Most cats run away when they see a vacuum cleaner, but not Pfussuf. As soon as he spots a dusty machine, he chases it and pounces on it as if it were prey.

The fearless kitten shows everyone that he is a force to be reckoned with, running around recklessly and not letting anything slow him down.

kitten vacuum cleanerHe is not afraid of the vacuum cleaner and treats it like a toy.chaton aux phélins montreal

Thanks to caring rescuers and volunteers, Pfussuf and the cats in his garden were given a second chance at life.

He is currently having the time of his life in his foster home, enjoying the holidays surrounded by loving human and feline friends.

Happy kitten sleeping and stretchingchaton aux ferrins montreal

Please share this story with your friends. Puchsuf details and Chaton Orphelin Montreal’s Instagram and facebook.

Related article: A neighbor saw a gray kitten in the corner of his flower garden, and when he brought him into his house, he made the cutest demands

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