Hello, this is Dr. Karin. Read my bio, learn more about me, and meet my five cheerful cats: Clutch, Cyril, Alex, Zelda, and Zazzles.
I’m not very interested in Christmas. That’s right, I said. I don’t like Christmas.
Despite 12 years of Catholic education, forced church attendance ruining my Sunday morning slumber, and spending much of Christmas Eve yawning at midnight mass, I’m pretty well-rounded. I came out as an atheist. Of course, I don’t object to other people’s choice to subscribe no matter what religion they belong to, as long as they can click “unsubscribe.” Let me tell you, some of the most recognized and celebrated Christmas traditions these days — Santa Claus, expensive presents, cheesy Hallmark movies, Mariah Bloody Carey — have little to do with religion. So it’s not that aspect that turns me into the Grinch.
For me, cleaning up at the end is a lot of work and stress. But before you throw “stupid” at me, there are two Christmas traditions that I enjoy. die hard And the annual attempt to successfully wrap the cat.
wrapping my pussy

ever since pretty funny video A few years ago, a very patient kitten showed up, carefully measured, wrapped in paper and tied with ribbon. It was my Christmas wish to recreate this wonder at home. With five candidates, you would think I would have already accomplished the task, but alas, my efforts only resulted in torn wrapping paper and a mildly irritated cat. .
The problem with my mission is that I have no intention of forcing my cats to cooperate. This realistically reduces the list of potential participants from five to two (Clutch and Cyril).
Alex is too eager to play with paper, Zelda is too energetic, and Zazzles hides or rolls around on paper until everything is cleared up. In any case, it is impossible to wrap it. Clutch tends to tolerate most things thrown at him…unless he actually throws things, of course, but Cyril is a big fan of inactive activities. This year was supposed to be my year. I felt it. The question is, did it?
success! Somehow…

Rather surprisingly, Cyril was clearly afraid of sitting on the paper, so he immediately ran away. Alex looked like the favorite for a few minutes, but as expected, he preferred playing with paper to being wrapped in it.
Clutch was part of the team and the most supportive of the team. At first he was lying on his side and doing something a little difficult, but suddenly, as if he understood the task, he curled up and got on all fours. But he wasn’t as forgiving as the cat in the video that started my dream. It could even wrap the tail separately!
Although my wrapping job wasn’t particularly neat, I was able to wrap most of the clutch for Christmas, including adding a festive ribbon to the head.
That’s a Rap

Was it successful? In a sense. Did you have fun? not much! I finally got the cat roll challenge out of my system, but it wasn’t as fun or satisfying as I had hoped. But in the end, the cats had fun playing with the wrapping paper!
Whether you’re celebrating Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, or just a regular celebration, take care of each other, take care of yourself, and most importantly, take care of your cats.
And yes, Die Hard teeth Christmas movie!
This article is part of Dr. Karin’s 5 Hilarious Cats series.