Fungi can cause a variety of diseases and often affect multiple organs and systems in reptiles. These infections can occur anywhere in the body, including the skin, respiratory tract, stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, and spleen. Unfortunately, most fungal diseases can be fatal to reptiles.
Symptoms and types of reptile fungus
Reptiles will typically show signs of weight loss and a loss of appetite. Other symptoms will vary depending on the site of infection. If the respiratory system is infected, the reptile will have difficulty breathing. If the stomach or intestines are infected, internal ulcers will develop that take a long time to heal.
In reptiles, fungal infections can occur for a variety of reasons, including:
- Humidity is too high
- Low environmental temperature
- A weakened immune system due to other illnesses
- Improper nutrition
- stress
- Improper husbandry practices (animal husbandry)
- Poor hygiene in the reptile environment
- Surgery
- Injuries and trauma
Antifungal medications are used to treat infections in reptiles. Unfortunately, animals rarely make a full recovery. Surgery to remove the fungal mass at the site of infection can sometimes be successful. However, antibiotic treatment after surgery is usually recommended to prevent secondary infections.
Good hygiene and a balanced diet may reduce the incidence of fungal diseases in reptiles.