Equine infectious anemia |Pet MD

By SecretWuff 5 Min Read

What is Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA)?

EIA is a blood-borne infection caused by: lentivirus, A virus of the same genus as HIV, which causes AIDS in humans. It is transmitted by horseflies and deer flies (from one infected horse to another), but can also be transmitted from infected/uncleaned needles, tattoo equipment, and blood transfusions from untested horses.

This infection was first noticed in the United States in the early 1900s. Until the 1970s, the number of cases was high, many deaths occurred, and humane euthanasia was required in severe cases. Euthanasia is now extremely rare. Although most outbreaks are traced back to humans (e.g., reusing needles, unclean equipment), outbreaks still occur around the world.

Symptoms of equine infectious anemia

Clinical signs of EIA usually appear within 1 to 4 weeks after infection. There are three phases:

  • acute: Clinical symptoms range from fever lasting several days to minor bleeding, weight loss, edema, weakness, disorientation, and, in rare cases, death.

  • chronic: Symptoms include recurrent fevers, chronic weight loss, and anemia. This virus lives in the tissues of horses. everytime This can infect other horses.

  • invisible shape: There may be no clinical symptoms at all, but a flare-up can be induced by immunosuppression due to a period of stress (travel, illness, etc.) or by the use of steroids.

Treatment of equine infectious anemia

There is no known treatment for EIA, and horses that test positive for EIA must be permanently isolated at least 200 yards from other horses. This is to prevent horseflies from biting an infected horse and then flying to other horses nearby and spreading the virus. If proper isolation is not possible, humane euthanasia is required.

Prevention of EIA in horses

Several precautions can be taken to prevent the spread of EIA, including:

  • Require a negative Coggins test before purchasing a new horse

  • Only attend events or barn boardings that require proof of a negative Coggins test.

  • fly control

  • Isolation of horses with fever

  • Never reuse needles, IV sets, or syringes.

Frequently asked questions about equine infectious anemia

What happens if my horse tests positive for an EIA test?

Within 24 hours of a positive result, your horse will be isolated at least 200 yards away from other horses until confirmatory testing and classification is complete.

How contagious is equine infectious anemia?

This disease can spread very quickly throughout a horse population, even if a subclinical carrier enters the barn for the first time. Fortunately, positive cases are very rare, and most cases can be traced to blood-contaminated materials.

Can EIA be cured?

There is no known cure for equine infectious anemia. If the patient survives the acute infection, he or she may develop into a chronic carrier with occasional fever but must live in isolation.

What is the Coggins test?

The Coggins test is a required test for interstate travel to determine if a horse is a carrier of EIA. Most shows and barns require proof of a negative Coggins test for horses to race or ride.

Featured image: iStock.com/Dace Znotina


Courtney Morton, DVM


Dr. Courtney Morton graduated from Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine in 2017. Since graduating, she has completed an equine internship…

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