Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) in Horse

By SecretWuff 6 Min Read

What is Touma Encephalitis?

Eastern horse encephalitis (EEE) is a viral disease caused by infected mosquitoes, and in most cases, leaving it untreated leads to neurological problems and the possibility of death .

Human-like horses are considered “dead end hosts” for the virus. This means that concentrations of the virus in the bloodstream are insufficient or too low to infect mosquitoes and other animals when interacting with infected EEE horses.

All horses are at risk of EEE, but younger horses between six months and two years old are particularly vulnerable due to their immature immune system.

Depending on the condition you live in, your horse’s EEE may be possible to report. If the horse’s EEE test returns to positive, the veterinarian will contact the appropriate health authorities. If you think your horse has signs of EEE, contact your vet immediately.

Symptoms of Touma Encephalitis

Symptoms of eastern horse encephalitis may vary in horses, but they generally progress to neurological symptoms in infected horses.

Indications for the first clinic may include:

  • heat

  • Loss of appetite (not eating)

  • rigidity

  • Lethargic

  • depression

Clinical signs often progress to neurological signs including:

  • Let’s go

  • Vision impairment/blindness

  • Head Press

  • Turning

  • Can’t swallow it

  • Ataxia (impossible muscle control)

  • Paralysis (partial paralysis)

  • Complete paralysis

  • Crucifixion

  • death

Causes of eastern horse encephalitis

Wild birds tend to be the typical carriers of eastern horse encephalitis, spread by mosquitoes previously fed to birds infected with EEE. Mosquitoes transmit disease by biting non-immune horses or humans. The horse’s EEE spreads throughout the body and attacks the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).

How Veterinarians diagnose Eastern Equine Encephalitis

If you think your horse has EEE, call your vet immediately. They do full physical and neurological examinations.

If your veterinarian is concerned about EEE, they recommend taking blood samples for antibody tests and sending them to the lab. Blood test results usually return in 2-5 days.

Treatment of eastern horse encephalitis

Unfortunately, there is no cure for encephalitis in eastern horses, and up to 90% of horses dying from the disease have a high mortality rate. Supportive care to keep infected horses comfortable is often a treatment goal. Surviving horses may have permanent brain damage.

Your vet may prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents such as: Banamine® (Flunixin Meglumine) helps reduce inflammation. Supportive care may include intravenous fluids, or, if necessary, anticonvulsants such as phenobarbital, if not available to horses.

In severe neurological cases, the horse may need to:

Recovery and management of eastern horse encephalitis

Horse with EEE often does not survive. The incidence is 75-95%, and death usually occurs within 2-3 days of onset of clinical symptoms. If the horses survive, they may have permanent neurological symptoms.

Prevention of eastern horse encephalitis

The best prevention of EEE in horses is vaccination. All horses need to stay up to date with the EEE vaccine.

Initially, the unvaccinated horse is vaccinated, followed by a booster four to six weeks later. Annual rebroadcasts are recommended. More frequent boosters, such as twice a year, may be recommended in mosquito seasons and endemic areas all year round. In the US, EEE is most commonly found east of the Mississippi River, with Louisiana and Florida being the most reported last year.

In addition to vaccination, excellent mosquito management can help prevent disease. Some of the best management techniques for mosquito control are:

  • Remove standing water sources on the premises

  • use Fly mask, Fly sheetand Fry leggings When the horse is voting

  • Spray horse Insect repellent Regularly

  • When mosquitoes are at peak, put your horse inside at dawn and dusk times

  • Turn on the fan in the barn for stalled animals or open the barn windows to promote wind.

  • Wear insect repellents and protective clothing to protect yourself at all times

Eastern horse encephalitis FAQ

Where is Toma Encephalitis?

Eastern horse encephalitis is primarily found in eastern Canada, with the US states east of the Mississippi River, in the Caribbean Islands.

Can humans get eastern horse encephalitis?

Yes, humans can get EEE from infected mosquitoes, but not from infected horses.

Is Toma Encephalitis contagious?

No, EEE is not transmitted to other horses or humans if one horse in the barn is infected.


Touma Encephalitis (EEE). Equine Disease Communication Center: Illness Fact Sheet. American Horse Association (aaep.org).

Vector-mediated horse encephalitis. USDA, Animal and Plant Health Testing Services (USDA.GOV). 2024.

It was written

Jennifer Rice, DVM, CVSMT


Dr. Jennifer Rice is a 2017 graduate of Purdue’s School of Veterinary Medicine and specializes in horses. After graduating…

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