Ducks for dogs | Benefits of ducks for dogs

By SecretWuff 2 Min Read

When pet owners walk down the aisles of a pet food store today, they have a wide range of options when it comes to protein sources for their dogs. Pets’ primary protein sources used to be chicken or beef, and while these two meats remain popular, there are other new proteins that pet owners can try.

One of the less common meat options for dogs is duck. Duck is rich in iron and provides your dog with an easily digestible source of lean protein. Duck is also a good source of amino acids, which help support strong muscles.

Duck foods are sometimes recommended for dogs with food sensitivities or allergies. Some dogs are allergic to chicken or beef in dog food, so switching to a food that contains a new protein like duck may help reduce gastrointestinal upset and skin irritation.

Pet owners who consider feeding their dogs cooked or raw duck may find it too costly, as duck is often more expensive than other red meats, and duck meat can be hard to find in some grocery stores.

Before feeding your dog duck or any pet food containing duck meat, be sure to consult with your veterinarian to make sure it’s the best choice for your pet.

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