Couple who left dog with severe burns on body are banned from keeping pets

By SecretWuff 3 Min Read

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A British couple has been banned from owning and caring for pets after their dog suffered severe burns from boiling water.

BBC The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) in Somerset said the dog, named Missy, was found with large, untreated burns on its back.

Missy’s former owners, Jordan Allen and Paisley Farthing, have pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering, claiming the dog swallowed hot water while Allen was making tea. .

The RSPCA revealed that the couple did not seek veterinary attention for Missy after the accident.

Instead, he accepted treatment advice from a friend, and the dog ended up suffering from “watery, pus-filled wounds” not only on his back, but also on his shoulders and neck.

When a veterinarian examined Missy nine days later, her wound was already firm, with pus-like discharge, hair loss, and a dry scab.

The veterinarian’s report said the pattern of Missy’s burns was “not consistent” with Allen’s explanation that the dog had knocked over a mug of boiling water.

“In my opinion, the failure of this animal care officer to promptly seek veterinary advice after noticing that this dog had been scalded by boiling water did not meet Missy’s needs to the extent that good practice requires.” “We believe that this was not met and as a result we failed” in order to protect this animal from pain and suffering. ” The report explained.

Dog abandoned by owner with severe burns on body
credit: RSPCA

Jordan Allen, 24, who has no permanent residence, was banned from keeping animals for 10 years. He was also sentenced to 16 weeks in custody, suspended for 12 months, 15 Rehabilitation Activity Requirement (RAR) days and 300 hours of unpaid work.

Ms Allen must also pay a victim surcharge of £114 (US$143) and costs of £500 (US$627).

Meanwhile, Mr Allen’s girlfriend Paisley Farthing, 32, of Park Drive, Bruton, was disqualified from owning dogs for five years.

She was also sentenced to a 12-month community order with a mandatory RAR duty of 20 days. She must also pay costs of £250 ($313) and a victim surcharge of £114 ($143).

Inspector Daniel Hatfield, from the RSPCA, who carried out the investigation on behalf of the animal welfare charity, said: “Animals feel pain and suffering just like us, so they deserve to be shown kindness and compassion at all times.”

Ms Hatfield appealed to pet owners to ensure their pets receive the care and treatment they need, when they need it.

“Having an animal is a privilege and ensuring proper veterinary care is an important part of our responsibility to them.” he said.

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