Catster Photo Contest: Cats of the Week Winners (January 2, 2025)

By SecretWuff 3 Min Read

The post Catster Photo Contest: Cat of the Week (January 2, 2025) by Catster Editorial Team appeared first on Catster.Copying the entire article is a violation of copyright law. What you may not realize is that all of these articles are assigned, contracted, and paid for, so they are not considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you liked the article and would appreciate it if you would continue to share only the first paragraph of the article and link to the rest of the article on

This week’s winner

name: cartier
Breeding: golden british
Fun fact: My cat is the grumpiest, most adorable, yet most demanding cat in the world.

Divider Single Cat Paw October 2024

the stupidest

the stupidest cat

name: oswald
Breeding: domestic medium hair
Fun fact: “I’m half blind!
I can put myself in from the outside.
good looking! “

Divider Cat Face October 2024

the cutest

cutest cat

name: Kimba
Breeding: maine coon
Fun fact: “It looks so majestic when you’re bird-watching.
Kimba suffered from entropion as a kitten and had surgery at 8 weeks old, but is now fully recovered and you’ll never know there was anything wrong with her. ”
social @kimba_lion.and.taika_tiger

Divider Cat Paw October 2024

the most dignified

the most dignified

name: cupid
Breeding: lynx point siamese
Fun fact: He’s just the kitten king

Divider Cat Face October 2, 2024

most expressive

the most expressive cat

name: tiger
Breeding: Sabatabi

Divider Cat Paw Scratch October 2024

best action shots

best action shots

name: leo
Breeding: yemen shorthair
Fun fact: Leo helps with printing projects and loves a good printer.

Divider Cat October 2024

the sleepiest

sleepiest roy

name: Roy
Breeding: sphinx
Fun fact: Roy is a heat seeker. You can often find Roy basking in the sun, lounging near the heater, or cuddling up in a bowl of ramen.

Divider Cat Paw October 2, 2024

enter your cat

Submit your kitten for a chance to be featured! click here

This article is part of our weekly photo contest
  • See last week’s winners here: December 26, 2024
  • Click here to view the complete list of past winners

The post Catster Photo Contest: Cat of the Week (January 2, 2025) by Catster Editorial Team appeared first on Catster.Copying the entire article is a violation of copyright law. What you may not realize is that all of these articles are assigned, contracted, and paid for, so they are not considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you liked the article and would appreciate it if you would continue to share only the first paragraph of the article and link to the rest of the article on

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