Castration and Castration Awareness Month: A comprehensive guide for cat owners

By SecretWuff 8 Min Read

“Captulation and Captulation Awareness Month: Guidance for Cat Owners”

Taking our beloved pet to the vet and being castrated or castrated can be a worrying time, but like the February mark “Captulation and Captulation Awareness Month”Search for “castration” that peaks at 20,000 in Januarythe best time to provide guidance on this important topic.

Catrin George, Animal Welfare Expert Animal Friends Pet Insurance I’m sharing it Everything you need to know Before castration or castration, there may be variables of favors or disadvantages, when you can castrate, what is involved in the process, and cost.

What is castration?

Katlin says: “Your cat undergoes different surgery depending on whether it’s a man or a woman when it’s castrated. The male is castrated. That is, the test circle is removed, the female is castrated, and the ovaries and uterus (uterus) will be removed.

“When the male test circle is removed, the main source of testosterone is removed, meaning it also reduces the effectiveness of the hormones.

“These surgeries are performed under general anesthesia and pets are monitored carefully during and after surgery. Cats may experience some discomfort after surgery, but pain relief that can help control this The medication will be given and you will return to normal before you know it.”

Why do you need to castrate your pet?

Catlin says: “Importantly, castration of a pet can prevent pets from developing serious health problems in the future, like certain cancers and piometra, which are serious infections of the uterus. In cats, castration is also possible. The risk of nanny (breast) cancer is also significantly reduced.

“And even if you castrate your pet, the drive can roam around and look for friends. This not only prevents unwanted pregnancy, but it can also help your pet get closer to the home, meaning you’ll be missing. This means there are fewer opportunities to become involved in a traffic accident.

“In cats, learned behaviors such as urine application and attachment may remain unavailable unless handled by a certified behaviourist. However, male cats’ urine odor may disappear after castration. , Early castration can have a positive effect on your cat’s behavior.

When should I castrate my pet?

Katlin says: “Cats can be castrated from about 4 months old, but it is recommended that you castrate your cat earlier than later, but it can be castrated at any age after 4 months. It is recommended that you do not place your cat outside until it is castrated so that one cat and her grandchild can produce 370,000 kittens in just 7 years.. ”

What happens to my pet after they’re castrated?

Catlin says: “When your pet’s calorie intake requirements drop after castration, many owners will notice that their pet is gaining weight after castration. To avoid problems like obesity, you can use the portion size. It is important to make sure you change your diet accordingly by reducing it.

“To help your cat stay healthy, you can talk to your vet about your post-surgery diet and daily calories.

“Most cats need to rest for at least a few days after surgery until they fully recover. Your cat wears a cone, an inflatable recovery collar, or a veterinarian-approved bodysuit, licking the incision and infected. You should stop preventing it. During the first 24 hours, your veterinarian may recommend giving your cat a small amount of water and half of the food to reduce the risk of vomiting.

“It’s also a good idea to have a clean trash can be obtained in a place that is easy to reach, so cats don’t have to climb or move too much, and they can also use shredded paper instead of cat trash. Dust and dirt from irritating them. If cats tend to adventure when they shouldn’t, consider using a wooden crate of the right size to keep them safe.”

How much is castration?

Katlin says“The cost of castration varies depending on the gender of the cat and dog. Your dog’s size is also a factor that is considered in the pricing of the dog procedure and can be checked with your vet in advance. However, while the average cost of a dog starts from £288 to £515 to £515, the average for a cat tends to be between £170 to £195.. In any case, raising puppy trash is an expensive business. Feeding these extra mouths alone can far outweigh the cost of castration. ”

Whatever you decide, it is important to discuss advice with your vet and your vet to decide which one is best for you and your dog or cat. If you are a cat or dog policyholder of an animal friend, all questions can also be discussed for free with the vet on the JOII app.

For more information and advice Castration and castration of dogs or Catting and castration procedures for cats Visit the Animal Friends site.


Notes for the editor


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  6. Price | Costs of consultation, vaccines, castration, etc. – Link Veterinarian
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Animal Friends Insurance is a multi-award winning pet insurance company. Founded in 1998, the company was built with the aim of creating a better life for all animals by providing industry-leading pet insurance and top-class animal care.

Our policyholders have supported more than £7.8 million in donations to more than 700 animal charities and sanctuaries around the world, giving £1 million in 2022 alone. By educating and inspiring others to act on current events and responsible pet ownership;

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As one of the UK’s largest pet insurance providers, Animal Friends offers cover for dogs, cats and horses (including rider insurance), with a variety of policies available, and more than 1 million pets nationwide It’s covered.

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