Beagle Freedom Project Celebrates the Anniversary of Animal Experiments Closing – Dogstar

By SecretWuff 4 Min Read

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When most of us imagine beagles, we hilariously explore their world, thinking of a floppy-eared, swinging tailed sniffing machine. Sadly, their compact size and submissive temperament have made these sweet dogs a popular subject for animal testing. This is a process that many major pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies around the world still use.

Thanks to the tireless work of the Beagle Freedom Project (BFP) team, many of these dogs now have a new future ahead of them.

Just 12 months ago, BFP successfully completed a three-year project to close a large laboratory, eliminating most of the toxic flea and tick tests in the United States, and freeing more than 250 animals from their captured lives. But their story doesn’t end there.

February 2024, BFP Freedom Field It has been created. On the very ground, once a place of such misery and torture, this 30-acre sanctuary and rehabilitation center in Oklahoma was built, transforming into a space where survivors can learn to heal, trust humans once again, and ultimately find an eternal home.

The journey continues

A year later, the BFF celebrates this milestone and reminds us that there is still far more work to do.

“The Field of Freedom was established on the promise that animal testing survivors will no longer be kept in the dark.” says Shannon Keith, president and founder of the Beagle Freedom Project. “This anniversary celebration is a moment to honor everyone who made this victory possible: our supporters, volunteers and staff, and we look forward to working with something that hasn’t been done yet.”

The first anniversary of the Free Field is celebrated with the launch of their “their “.Take them home“The campaign has recently supported dogs rescued from the fears of animal testing and the meat trade. The focus of the campaign is on 55 Beagles who have spent their lives in a cold laboratory, only to be dumped in the meat trade and exposed to cruel and painful tests. Luckily, China’s dedicated BFP team was able to intercept these poor soul-carrying trucks, rescue them from the brink of genocide and save them on their way to the field of freedom.

“Despite everything they have endured, these beagles still have tails. They are still looking at humans with hope. And now they have a chance with something they have never known before: love, safety and freedom.”

How can I help?

There are many ways to help support Beagle Freedom Projects in their mission to end the cruel industry of animal testing.

  • Shops that are not abused with the help of BFP Cruel Cutter Appyou can easily choose ethical brands and stop purchasing products that allow animal testing.
  • I’ll donate Support animals in the free field.
  • Sponsor one of the 55 Beagles Rescued by the Bring Them Home campaign.
  • Volunteers, start fundraising, recruit animals, and spread the word about the work being done in BFPs. visit Beagle Freedom Project For more information.

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