Are Chihuahuas smart? Veterinarian-approved information explanation – Dogstar

By SecretWuff 13 Min Read

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Chihuahuas are famous for being “handbag dogs” from the early 2000s. If Paris Hilton had one, everyone else in the world would have wanted it. Their popularity skyrocketed, and they became one of the most popular little dogs of all time.

But as more and more families bring these dogs home, they notice certain challenges that come with them. Chihuahuas can make amazing additions to many different families, but if you’re planning on bringing them into the house, there are certain things you should know about them.

Chihuahuas are not for the faint of heart, but their intelligence and overall temperament are often questioned. But the short answer is that Chihuahuas are very smart. Let’s explore this topic.

Divider Dog Face in October 2024Divider Dog Face in October 2024

Chihuahuas are considered intelligent dogs

There is a misconception that just because Chihuahuas are sometimes poor and even disobedient, they may not be the smartest. But that’s simply not the case. Chihuahuas are considered very intelligent little dogs and allow them to hear you.

Don’t let these people fool you. They can pick up a variety of concepts, even if they don’t always want to listen. Many Chihuahuas tend to have their own minds. This means that if they don’t like the direction you’re going, they might do very well in a different way. In many ways, these little Mexican dogs are more cat-like in their behavior and seem to have solved how to operate the system. It’s not that they can’t learn the rules, they choose whether or not they will follow them! Chihuahuas tend to be boundaries from time to time to use tactics to grasp the points. We want to think of Chihuahuas as just sturdy and sometimes unpredictable, but always adorable!

Chihuahua dog lying comfortably on a grey sofa indoorsChihuahua dog lying comfortably on a grey sofa indoors
Image credits:, shutterstock

Behind the stubbornness, Chihuahuas also have a lot of positive notes. They are very fast learners and respond well to positive training methods. Sometimes they are extremely talented in one category, but lacking in another. For example, it may be very easy for them to read your body language and respond to commands. But going to the bathroom outside may prove to be more challenging.

After that, you may get the concept of potty training very easily, but there are other Chihuahuas that seem to miss the tone and other oral cues when it comes to business. The truth is, all dogs are incredibly intelligent in their own right, but they all have flaws or different eccentricities that are a bit difficult to manage for certain people.

That’s why it’s so important to learn everything you can about any variety you choose to bring into your home. We’ll look into a few more things about the Chihuahuas and their intelligence so that you can know what to expect when owning one of these dogs.

House Training Challenges

Chihuahuas are rather notorious for not using the bathroom outside. Many pet parents find it easy to avoid home accidents and reduce complaints about home training by simply training their puppy pads. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that Chihuahuas can’t use the bathroom outside.

There are a few factors to consider here, and few have anything to do with actual intelligence. You need to consider the size of your Chihuahua. These dogs are so small that they naturally have small braiders that cannot hold much urine over a long period of time.

They need to be able to soften themselves frequently, so it’s like having a puppy forever. If you are someone who is at home all day, if you are working from home, if you are retired or you get the luxury of being a parent at home, then you can easily manage potty training. However, those with long, active schedules may find it extremely frustrating and challenging.

Moreover, their small size means that internal accidents are often not seen, so the opportunity to interrupt them and move them outside is usually overlooked. As a result, they get a positive response to the outside toilet and a neutral response to go indoors. With all dogs being trained, consistency is key to success. So when you take your dog outside and take them to the bathroom and admire them every time, they catch them pretty quickly. With Chihuahuas, you may miss some opportunities and mix those messages.

Some Chihuahua parents overcome this problem by setting up cat flaps to allow them to go outside whenever they want, but this is not actually potty training. If that dog’s door is closed for any reason, they have not learned to signal you to let them go.

Chihuahuas are also known to show the behavior of the mark. This is sometimes a gamble about whether they will become long-term, as animals may or may not stop when they are fixed. Markings are extremely difficult actions to break and require extensive determination to overcome.

Finishing the obstacles to Chihuahua potty training is that these dogs are extremely sensitive creatures, even their vocal voices running for the hills. Punishment is never a good idea when it comes to potty training dogs, but loud “no!” or “stop!” applause is usually an effective way to stop them from doing what they’re doing and gives you the opportunity to take them outside. If you scream in a Chihuahua, be prepared to avoid or be ignored for a few days.

Sunny cleaning chihuahua dogSunny cleaning chihuahua dog
Image credits: Evgenia Shikhaleva, Shutterstock

Divider Dog Face in October 2024Divider Dog Face in October 2024

Chihuahuas have different personalities

All dogs have different personalities. But on a large scale, Chihuahuas are known for being a very challenging little dog to deal with for many people. They may be totally warm to you, snuggle over your lap and accept everything you do. However, the same feelings may not be extended to other people in the home.

Chihuahuas are usually only one dog. This means it’s perfect for single owners and retired couples. However, they may have a little more challenge to adapt to a more chaotic lifestyle, especially if they are not exposed to it at an early age.

Chihuahuas tend to be extremely poor, but they are burning and independent. It tends to be a strange combination that some owners struggle to navigate. You can see that one Chihuahua is very even, calm, cool and collected. Another Chihuahua may groan and bare teeth whenever they get a little too close. They are famous and sometimes unpredictable, so it’s really hard to convey.

When approaching these pint-sized puppies, it is important to remember that everything is huge for them. Therefore, when the hands approach, they can be understood that they may be blackmailed and act defensively. And if this keeps the threat away, they will continue to respond like this. A gentle, slow approach to the side of the Chihuahua’s head is not threatening. If you have a terrible dog, curl your fingers in the palm of your hand and present the exterior of your hand.

Chihuahuas may be dependent and independent

As mentioned above, Chihuahuas are independent and can depend on the same breath. They may literally not be able to live without you and require constant attention from you.

But they will also boss you around and do whatever they want in return. Many Chihuahua parents find this to be a very adorable quality about these dogs. Certainly, if these personality traits are present in large dogs, they can probably do some real damage if they are feeling light!

However, due to its compact size, all groans and bites aren’t all that much. If you have small children, having a Chihuahua can be very complicated as they like to be babies and don’t want to be around an actual baby.

That’s not to say that some Chihuahuas aren’t absolutely fantastic for kids. When dogs are kept beside them, they are often at least tolerant of small things. Of course, you should always train your child to treat your dog with respect for the best results.

If you get a Chihuahua anytime, you have to prepare for the possibility that this dog needs you and that he may need you. It’s often like having a toddler forever. And for some people, it’s exactly the type of dog they want!

Black and tan teacup chihuahuaBlack and tan teacup chihuahua
Image credits: Rebekah Zemansky, Shutterstock

Chihuahuas can have separation anxiety

Chihuahuas can definitely develop separation anxiety! These dogs are small and look for protection. If you’re not open 24/7, it can cause a lot of pent-up anxiety and cause problems in the future.

These dogs do their best when someone is always at home. They are not independent in the sense that you can leave them alone at home all day long and expect them to do it well. That’s not to say that humans need to be around them all the time, but they’re looking for other leaders around them.

There may be a big dog who doesn’t mind the fact that your Chihuahua is a brother and guides efficiently. It is essential to understand the variety at a cellular level, as it requires a certain personality to match with a Chihuahua from time to time.

Providing a Chihuahua is a very easy way to help you feel safe and secure when you’re not around, rather than pacing and fretting the entire house.

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To a beginner, Chihuahuas may appear less intelligent than their highly trainable and submissive dog relatives. But like cats, this is a breed of dogs and I learned how to get what humans want without having to jump over as many hoops as big dogs. Chihuahuas are stubborn, independent and have bosses, but at the same time they are loving, poor and comfortable. They are still dogs and need to provide the same kind of socialization, training and boundaries as other dogs, but these little creatures often escape and sometimes even play a little prank.

Many Chihuahua owners didn’t think this would be a variety for them, but like potato chips, it’s hard to stop with just one. They are dogs like others and if you have the patience, understanding and love to share your life with a Chihuahua, you will not regret it.

Featured Image Credit: Africa Studio, Shutterstock

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