Adoption photos with “giant cheeks” go viral on Reddit

By SecretWuff 2 Min Read

While cats don’t go viral every day due to their unique looks, Luke, a recently adopted stray cat with surprisingly huge cheeks, did just that. His owner Reddit Post The popularity skyrocketed, and received over 41K votes from fan worship.

Owners share photos of “huge cheeks” and adoptive Luke

Luke, an orange and white tabby, was recently hired by a Reddit user known as u/cool_mcstellar. The new owner has posted two heartwarming images of Luke relaxing comfortably on the couch against the windowsill. Of course, the main attraction is Luke’s very large cheeks, with the owner describing it as “two golf balls” composed primarily of fat.

According to his owner, Luke has been castrated and is estimated to be around five years old. Initially, he spent several days hiding before settling in his new home. In the comments section, they explained that Luke’s big cheeks were attributed to testosterone. This is a common characteristic of silent male cats, often referred to as “joking.” His cheeks are expected to gradually shrink as Luke is castrated.

The Reddit community is warmly welcoming to Rook, and many users have left kind comments to his owner. Many people say, “I love him. Give him a putt from me,” and “The chubby Tomcat cheeks are the best!” The general consensus is clear. Luke’s cheeks are attractive and make him stand out in the best possible way.

Other users shared similar experiences with their pets and noted how castration led to changes in the appearance of cats. “My neighbor also adopted a lost Tom Cat. His cheeks were big, but after he was corrected, they became smaller,” wrote one commenter. Some were fascinated by Luke’s cuteness. “Yeah, he’s a cutie!”

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