A month later, someone rescued the cat and kitten from the shelter and returned to give them a chance at a better life.

By SecretWuff 5 Min Read

A kind-hearted person returned her to the shelter, giving the cat and her kittens a chance at a better life.

Marigold and kittensLori White

Lori White of ARPO (Alliance for Responsible Pet Owners) was transporting a group of kittens and some dogs to a local animal shelter when she came across a mother cat and her newborn kittens.

Lori quickly fell in love with the cat, named Marigold, and her “fuzzy face.” “She’s always so sweet to the mother cats and their babies at the shelter,” she told Love Meow.

The house was already full of foster parents, so Lori promised Marigold that she would come back when there was a spot available.

Kittens at a cat shelterMarigold and her kittens at the shelterLori White

A month later, Lori returned to the shelter to find her cat family still waiting to be rescued: “By this time, the kittens were walking, but only knew the three walls of the shelter and the bars of their cage.”

Marigold got out of bed and walked over to Lori as if she was ready to go out, asking for attention. That day they were leaving the shelter and heading to their foster home.

Cat with tongue outShe was very happy with her new room and all the facilities.Lori White

The kittens – Buzz Buzz, Bumblebee, Shasta Daisy and Sunflower – were thrilled to have more space to move around and play after spending their first month of life in kennels.

With the exception of big boy Bumble, they all weighed about the size of a three-week-old kitten.

Cat nursing kittens is cuteLori White

Marigold was overjoyed to have a comfortable room to raise her baby and was quick to show Lori how grateful she was for everything: “She purred the whole time and would jump on my lap as soon as I sat down.”

Finding a foster home and a dedicated caregiver was a turning point for this cat family.

Cat snuggling on lapMarigold jumped onto Lori’s lap and was hugged.Lori White

All of the kittens had stomach troubles and other health issues and needed to be treated for parasites, so Lori wasted no time in beginning to provide supplemental care twice a day to keep the kittens hydrated.

“The kittens were not interested in wet kitten food at first, so having Marigold nurse them was a real help.”

Kitten Orange Tabby CatBuzz, Daisy, Bumblebee and SunflowerLori White

“After a few weeks of supportive care, we are seeing signs of improvement, including increased activity and weight gain.”

Through it all, Marigold has been an excellent mother, keeping her kittens fed and clean, putting up with their constant mischief (including tail play), and catering to their every whim.

Cat nursing kittens is cuteLori White

“She has a very unique nursing position that I have never seen with any of the kittens from other mothers I have rescued. She sticks her tongue out a lot, which always makes me laugh.”

Weighing just 5 pounds, Marigold still has a lot of growing to do.

Cat breastfeeding a kitten while standingMarigold is a great mother to her kittens.Lori White

Lori and her team are committed to providing dental care that will help Lori maintain a healthier weight and allow her to enjoy eating without discomfort.

“Her sweet and fun personality will make her a wonderful addition to someone’s family when she is ready for adoption.”

Cat snuggling up to kitten motherLori White

Daisy’s weight loss worried Lori, but she has since gained weight steadily. She is more active and inquisitive, climbing with her siblings and making her mom nervous.

Kitten climbing up a legDaisy is becoming more playful and curious with every passing day.Lori White

The kittens have begun new lives in foster care, with Marigold continuing to be the best momma, filling the room with her soothing purring as she raises the last of her kittens.

Sweet cat tongue, playful kittenLori White

Share this story with your friends. To learn more about Marigold, her kittens, and Lori’s foster home, Instagram About ARPO Instagram.

Related article: Kitten found on road, meows all day, rescued by cat team, makes him feel like he has a place

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