A friend who has long-time ears welcomed cats has come to realize how much he enjoys their company

By SecretWuff 5 Min Read

The cat welcomes longtime friends who were found outside and realizes how much he enjoys their company.


A few months ago, Chatons Orphelins Montreal was contacted about a small animal desperately needed help. They were specialized in cats, but they politely provided their support.

Abandoned and petting for herself, the orange bunny began to challenge the next door yard in search of food and shelter. “He seemed lost, he was ultimately not moving, he remained curled up,” the rescue shared with the love Mu.

Once we learned about the situation, a kind rescuer went to check out the bunny.

Bunny Street rescuedIt turns out he was abandoned outsideChatonsorphelinsmontreal

“When she approached him, he refused to escape. He had a mat all over his body, not in his best form. He couldn’t survive outside alone. .”

The rescuer scooped him up and put him in his career without any problems. “She took him home and set him up in a small room. When she went inside, she looked up at him and said that he was very skinny and covered in matte fur with burrs and dirt. I realized that it was being done.”

Bunny Safe HomeAnatolChatonsorphelinsmontreal

They named Bunny Anatol and with the help of rescues and fellow rabbit owners, rescuers received supplies, food and everything they needed to give Anatol a fresh start.

After cleaning his coat and removing the fur, Anatole felt brand new and began to gain weight and strength. A little after he stood up, he received a visit from several cat friends.

Cats Bunny FriendsHe was visited by several cat friendsChatonsorphelinsmontreal

His foster parents quickly discovered how much love Anatole worshiped them, and were always happy to see them. “He is extremely sociable and loves to be petted. He makes a ‘Purr-like’ sound while shattering his teeth softly (signs of satisfaction). ”

To my surprise, Anatole was completely fearless around the cats and enjoyed having them as friends.

Bunny Cats FriendsAnatole enjoys keeping cats around and doesn’t bother sharing his playpen with themChatonsorphelinsmontreal

“He’s interested in cats and likes to see what they’re doing. He even makes them take hay without complaints.”

Chip, one of the kittens, is a social butterfly that thrives in dating. When he met Anatole it was as if he had reunited with a friend that had been lost for a long time. Not only do they share matching colors, but their temperament is similar.

Kitten Bunny FriendsChip and AnatolChatonsorphelinsmontreal

It appears Anatole has picked up some cat skills as his cat companions keep him in the company. He now shares a cat tree with his foster kitten, watching his car and neighbors look out the window.

Perhaps the cat sees him as a strange looking cat with longer ears and a stubborn tail.

Bunny Cat Watching WindowAnatole and Claudi enjoyed their time in the cat tree, looking through the window at the neighborsChatonsorphelinsmontreal

“He enjoys playing with toys and parkour with a playpen. He also loves to stand on his hind legs and get treats from humans. Here are some tips for interior design. Using it, he constantly rearranges tunnels and toys.”

Anatole joined Claudi. Cloudy also spotted a kitten by the window looking at the day.

Bunny Cat Tree WindowChatonsorphelinsmontreal

Anatole is surrounded by booboo. Boo Boo is a panther in a small house, surprised by his gentle affection. They looked at the quiet neighbourhood street and sat side by side.

It’s cold outside, but they feel warm and cozy with the comfort of their foster parents.

Bunny kitten window lookingAnatol and BoobooChatonsorphelinsmontreal

The cats accepted longtime companions whose confidence rubbed them off.

Anatole is ready to find an eternal family in Montreal, where he ends up being loved and spoiled for the rest of his life.

Bunny is cute leavingChatonsorphelinsmontreal

Share this story with your friends. More about Anatole and his cat friends Chatons Orphelins Montreal on Instagram and Facebook.

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