Your pet is overweight. As a conscientious pet owner, you’ve made the necessary changes to your pet’s diet and activity level, but your pet is still overweight. In fact, not only is he still overweight, he seems to be gaining weight. If diet and exercise don’t solve the problem, what else can you do?
There are valid reasons for weight gain other than eating habits and lack of exercise. Here are the 7 most likely causes.
This is the most obvious cause of weight gain and belly fat. It may seem obvious, but some pet owners are completely unaware that their cat or dog is pregnant until they see a baby in front of them. If a female dog or cat is not spayed or neutered, she can become pregnant. It doesn’t take long for her to become pregnant. Leaving her alone in the backyard for a few minutes can lead to an unintended pregnancy.
So don’t force your dog on a strict diet or exercise regimen just because she’s gaining weight for no apparent reason — she might just be “pregnant.”
Fluid retention
A common side effect of heart disease is a condition called ascites, which is the medical term for excess fluid in the abdomen. The outward symptom is abdominal distension, but this does not coincide with overeating or lack of exercise. Other conditions, such as tumors or internal organ disease, can also cause the body to react in this way. In very young animals, abnormal amounts of fluid in the abdomen may be the result of abnormal blood flow to the heart due to a congenital defect. Another cause of ascites may be related to a portosystemic shunt (also called a hepatic shunt). In a portosystemic shunt, the circulatory system bypasses (shunts) the liver.
In cats, feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is one of the main causes of abdominal fluid retention.
Prescription drugs
Some prescription medications can lead to weight gain, especially if taken over a long period of time. If your pet is on any medication and is experiencing weight problems that cannot be controlled with simple dietary management and moderate exercise, you should consult with your veterinarian to see if the medication is contributing to the weight and whether a different medication or a lower dose could prevent further weight gain.
Internal parasites, particularly (but not limited to) those that inhabit the abdominal wall or intestines, often cause fluid to accumulate around the infestation, giving the appearance of a bloated belly. This is common in young animals whose immune systems are not yet strong enough to resist the effects of parasitic infestation, and is even more severe if internal parasites are present in large numbers.
During a standard exam, your veterinarian will take blood, body fluid and stool samples to determine if one or more of these samples indicate the presence of parasites in your pet. Once the type of parasite has been identified, your veterinarian can prescribe an appropriate anti-parasitic medication.
The thyroid gland is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones, which are the main factor in determining how quickly the body uses energy, i.e., how quickly energy is metabolized. Energy is taken into the body in the form of food, and under normal health conditions, the body burns this energy during normal activity. However, when thyroid hormone production is insufficient, the metabolism slows down and excess energy is retained in the body, leading to weight gain. This condition is called hypothyroidism, where the prefix “hypo-” means “deficiency.” It may be perplexing to see that your pet continues to gain weight even though he is barely eating. This is because even the small amount of food energy he is ingesting is being stored rather than released through metabolic processes.
Other symptoms of the disease include fatigue, coarse coat, slow heart rate, and itchy, dry skin. Your veterinarian can perform a simple blood test to determine if your pet may have hypothyroidism. If the diagnosis of hypothyroidism is positive, your doctor can prescribe medication to treat it.
Cushing’s Disease (Hyperadrenalism)
Common in older animals, especially older dogs, Cushing’s disease is a condition that results from the long-term overproduction of glucocorticoid hormones, which are key aspects of protein, carbohydrate and metabolic regulation. This hormone is associated with the adrenal glands (located near the kidneys) and the pituitary gland, and occurs when there is an abnormality in either of these glands.
In pituitary Cushing’s disease, the symptoms are most often caused by a tumor in the pituitary gland that causes it to secrete excess ACTH. This is the most common form of Cushing’s disease. In adrenal Cushing’s disease, the symptoms are caused by excess secretion of the steroid hormone cortisol. Common symptoms of Cushing’s disease are muscle weakness and weakness, extreme thirst, increased appetite, urinary tract infections, rapid weight gain, and hair loss.
One of the most visible outward symptoms is a protruding belly, caused by weakening of the abdominal muscles and shifting of fat to the abdomen. If you suspect your pet has Cushing’s disease, you should take them to the veterinarian for a full blood, urine, and chemistry test.
Some dogs may not be able to keep their pets due to their background, current living conditions, health, or personal characteristics. Dog food Rapidly. Some owners call this behavior “gobbling,” and they often say it looks like the dog is swallowing food without tasting it or chewing it — “gulping it down.” In fact, that’s exactly what’s happening. When dogs “gobble” their food, they also swallow a lot of air.
Food debris and excess air can accumulate in the stomach, resulting in a condition called Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV), commonly referred to as bloat. Dogs with bloat often exhibit other symptoms besides the obvious abdominal distension: difficulty breathing, rapid heart rate, abdominal pain (which can be felt), drooling, and collapse. This is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention. Gastric bloat is most common in large, deep-chested dog breeds, such as Great Danes, German Shepherds, and Standard Poodles.