13 Funny Ways Your Dog Trying to Stop You Leave Home

By SecretWuff 11 Min Read

Some dogs have an amazing ability to express their emotions, especially when they feel they are about to leave. When you prepare to go out, they often pull out all the stops to keep you home. These dogs can’t stand the idea of ​​being left behind and do whatever it takes to stop you from leaving. Recognizing these funny, clever tactics is to remind you how deeply they are with you and how far they go to get you closer.

Classic “Glance of Despair”


One of the most common ways to prevent your dog from leaving you is to plead for their fierce, “glance of despair.” They plant themselves in front of the door, their eyes widen, and they are trapped in yours as if they were trying to take you hostage with their gaze. This stare is often combined with a slight cry or soft cry, making it clear that they want you to reconsider leaving. It’s a strategy that works, as it pulls your mind and makes you hesitate before you leave the door.

Hide shoes and keys


If you’ve ever noticed that your shoes or car keys are mysteriously missing while you’re about to leave, it could be your dog is doing it. Many dogs know that these objects are obvious signs that their owner is preparing to leave the house. To prevent you from going, they may hide your shoes under the sofa, steal your car keys, and take them to “safe places.” That’s how they say it, “If I can’t see them, you may not leave me behind!”

A dramatic collapse


Sometimes the dogs make their efforts to stop you from leaving to exaggerated levels by throwing yourself dramatically on the floor. Whether it’s a limp body or a pose “I’m too sad to function”, these plays are their way of showing how heartbroken you are about your departure. They know they can’t stop you physically, but they can certainly pull your mind. They may be forced to stay long enough to comfort them at least, but their efforts are often as entertaining as they are desperate.

Block entrances and exits


Some dogs simply stand in the doorway and take a more aggressive approach, making it impossible for you to leave without stepping on them. This is how they say it. “You can’t go anywhere without me!” By planting firmly in front of the door, your dog is doing his best to create a physical barrier between you and the outside world. It’s an interesting tactic that reflects the desire to stay close to you, but it can lead to some hilarious moments when you try to maneuver around them.

Whimper Symphony


No one can ignore the dog giving them a complete whining. When it’s time to leave, your dog may start with a low whine that escalates into a full-scale opera emotion display. They will pace back and forth, and try to follow you with some dramatic sighs and add effects. This symphony of sadness is their way of expressing their dissatisfaction with your decision to leave. It’s hard to ignore, but it’s equally hard to laugh at the dramatic dramatic talent they put into it.

We will deliver your favorite toys


To delay your departure, your dog may offer their favorite toys as a distraction. Whether it’s a creaking ball or a gorgeous animal, they present it to you as if they were saying, “Let’s play instead!” By offering their beloved items, they want to redirect your attention from the door and into playtime. This is one of their most despicable ways to change your mind, and it’s hard to resist their adorable enthusiasm when you beg for a little more fun before you leave.

We will provide you with their leash


To persuade you to stay home, your dog may present you with their leash. However, that doesn’t mean the usual “Let’s go for a walk.” It’s “ready to take you on an adventure now!” This is especially effective if you’re preparing to leave the house for other reasons. By providing a leash, they are about to shift their focus to outdoor fun. It’s an interesting tactic that you’ll never have to enjoy.

Ambush with embrace


Another tactic your dog uses is a hugging ambush. When you try to make a path towards the door, they will effectively block your path by jumping into your lap or curling up in front of you. With their soft fur and pleading eyes, it is almost impossible to spend a little extra time with them without giving up a little extra time. By the time you notice, you may find yourself sitting on the floor or on the sofa. It’s easy to forget for a while while enjoying a hugging session with a furry friend.

“Pretending you didn’t see me” technique


When your dog really wants to stop you from leaving, they may adopt a “pretend you didn’t see me” strategy. They lie in front of the door, staying completely still and acting like they don’t look magical. They know you will feel guilty by stepping on them, and they hope that their quiet protests will not leave you. It’s a clever tactic, and the more they stay still, the more difficult it will be to pass them without feeling like you’ve given up on them.

Last bathroom break request


As you are about to leave, your dog may run to the door and give you an undeniable look, “I have to go outside!” Often, it’s a real need, but sometimes it feels like a last minute attempt to delay departure. Your dog knows that bathroom breaks often require you to stay a little longer, and they want to use this for their benefit. Whether intentional or not, this tactic always seems to be hit at the worst moments.

Create a physical barrier


If your dog is specifically determined, they may lie directly in your way and try to create a physical barrier between you and the door. They plant themselves in the middle of the hallway or in the door, making it impossible to pass without moving. It is a physical manifestation of their desire to stay by your side. It can be frustrating, but it’s hard to find it unfunny when your dog creates such an obvious obstacle just to keep you at home a little longer.

Claim your place on the sofa


Finally, some dogs know exactly how to confuse your plans by asserting your place on the couch or bed just before you leave. They snuggle up to your favorite chair and become comfortable so that once you’re back you have to get in the way to get back your space. This act of rebellion is their way of showing you that they are taking over and not trying to let you leave without a bit of protest. It’s an interesting way for your dog to try to delay your exit and you’ll be forced to spend more time with them before you go out.

Sudden nap in front of the door

Mid Journey

If you’re trying to sneak around the door without your dog realizing it, think again. Some dogs wait until they see you’re ready to leave, then make a beeline for the door and drop to the bottom right in front of it. With a large, exaggerated yawn, they curl up and fall into a deep “nap” and block your path completely. It’s a subtle and effective way to say, “I’m not moving, so I can’t leave.” When you wonder if it’s worth the effort, you can only smile at their tenacity.

Dog-approved art of departure

13 Funny Ways Your Dog Trying to Stop You Leave HomeMid Journey

Your dog’s efforts to stop you from leaving are often funny, heartwarming, and sometimes mischievous. These antics reveal how much they care, even if it means using a bit of humor to keep you up. So, when your dog brings out their clever tactics to delay your departure, take a little time to laugh and appreciate the love and effort they have given to keep you close. It’s their way of showing how important you are to them, no matter how quirky you are!

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