12 Hurricane Safety Tips for Pets

By SecretWuff 9 Min Read

Many people living in hurricane-prone areas assume that these natural disasters never come their way. however, Average 6 Hurricanes strike the United States every year, and many people are caught as unprepared.

The news of the looming hurricane is stressful, so it’s important to plan ahead to make things as easy as possible for you and your pets to make things as easily as possible during the storm.

How to prepare for a hurricane with your pet

It’s important to prepare before a hurricane. It’s simple and quick and saves worry when it’s time to implement your hurricane plan.

Here are some things to consider when preparing for a hurricane with your pet:

  • A list of other supplies you and your pet may need at home or at shelter in case you need to evacuate.

  • “Bugout Bags” for your pet, or survival bags with food, water and medication.

  • A list of closest locations for pet-friendly shelters and local animal emergency centers.

What to include in your pet emergency kit

When you put together Pet bugout bag or emergency kitif your home has no power or running water, consider what you will need at least a week. If you are staying in a shelter, please note that your pets will be trapped for a long period of time and cannot be easily left and removed.

You should include a Hurricane Emergency Kit for your pet:

  • Enough food and bottled water to last more than a week

    • Be careful to drink flood water. It is not safe to drink as it is often contaminated with mold and bacteria. If you can’t drink it, then your pet should not either.

  • Pee pads, trash cans, poop bags, paper towels for cleanup.

  • Medical records, veterinarian names, medication, feeding schedule, current photos of your pet.

  • Toys and treatments to relieve stress.

  • A month-to-two supply of pet medication is required as it can be difficult or impossible to find during and after a hurricane.

  • A spacious carrier that allows your pet to move around, stay safe and feel more comfortable during confinement.

  • Sturdy extra chains with reflective tape or flashlight.

  • A powerful can opener with your hands to open any food can.

  • Pet Emergency Kit It will help stabilize your pet in the case of an injury until veterinarian care is found.

Make sure your pet is microchip

Microchipping is a small procedure (like a vaccine) embedded in the veterinary room and can provide permanent identification to your pet. This is important to find out when lost during a hurricane.

Microchipping involves inserting very small tips under your pet’s skin. When scanned with a special reader, the chip will provide an identification number. This identification number will be entered into a national database that allows the office to contact you.

Make sure your pet is microchipped, double-check your contact information and check the latest information from Microchip Company. This ensures that you will be reunited with the animal if it is separated during a hurricane.

Make sure your pet is up to date when vaccinated

During a hurricane, pets can be exposed to contaminated floodwaters and diseases such as leptospirosis and respiratory diseases such as Voldeterra. Make sure your pets are up to date with annual vaccinations, especially during hurricane season.

Ask your veterinarian if there are additional vaccines suitable for your pet, especially if you live in an area where natural disasters are more common.

Make sure you have enough pet medication

Veterinary clinics may be closed after a storm and delivery may be suspended. Make sure your bug out bag includes a month-to-two supply of pet medication, especially if you need to spend a period far from your home. Don’t forget to prevent heartworms and pet daily preventative medicines for fleas and mites.

Please fill in your pet emergency sticker at the entrance

It is common for rescuers to visit door-to-door searching for people and pets in need after a natural disaster. If you make it clear to rescuers that your pets live in your home, this may ensure that they will receive help more quickly, especially if for some reason they evacuated without them. yeah.

Keep this important fact in mind: if you are not safe to stay in your home, it is not safe for your pet either. So, make every effort to not leave them behind.

Please select the specified caregiver

It’s always a good idea to have a backup plan in case of an emergency. You can choose a neighbor or family member to become a designated caregiver for your pet in case something happens to you. Make sure you have a list of your pet routines, foods and medications.

Know your pet friendly evacuation center

Not all evacuation centers accept pets. FEMA offers apps This shows the location of a pet-friendly shelter nearby. Don’t assume that all shelters can bring your pets. Please know before you go!

Keep your pets safe when evacuating

The stress of confusion and evacuation can cause pets to be separated from their families. Be sure to load your cat and small dog into your carrier in case you need to evacuate. For easy identification, tape the envelope to each carrier using your pet’s information and medical records. If you need to evacuate, make sure to leash your larger dog and place it in a wooden frame.

Prepare for the possibility of injury

Unfortunately, injuries often occur during natural disasters for both humans and pets. Make sure you have a fully stocked first aid kit and identify your local veterinary emergency office in case your pet is injured and needs medical consultation.

The clinic is likely to be overwhelmed by the care of other animals injured in the storm, so be prepared to wait.

Keep your pets calm during the storm

Storms are usually upsetting for pets. Usually, if an animal takes anti-anxiety medications during a routine storm, it may be necessary during a hurricane. Please fill them up in advance. Don’t forget that our pets often look to us for comfort and security. Hurricanes are stressful and confusing, but stay calm so that your pets feel safe too.

No one thinks they will be caught up in a natural disaster such as a hurricane. But planning and preparation before a storm will make things easier for you and your pets during the storm.

Featured Images: istock.com/lightspruch

It was written

Sandra C. Mitchell, DVM, DABVP


Sandra Mitchell is a 1995 graduate of New York State Veterinary Medicine. Since graduating, she has worked in many fields…

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