10 general dog toilet training problems (veterinarian -verification) –Dog stars

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Dog toilet training is a challenge for most dog owners, and is often a passage to become a dog parent. You should be expected to be an accident because you learn that your dog and dog dog are training in the toilet, not the only task. Many dog ​​parents face similar issues through experience. For this reason, we have summarized the list of general problems that appear during toilet training and some useful tips for dealing with them.

Some of these problems can be solved if they are consistent with time, but other problems may require specialized relationships. Petting a specific problem can help you determine if your dog needs to see a veterinarian or work with a professional dog trainer.

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10 general dog toilet training problems

1. Inappropriate crate training

Crate training and toilet training often hold hands when breeding dogs. The puppy is in the wooden frame because it is unlikely that a toilet accident will occur when training a wooden frame, and has instinct to avoid peeing and poop in a sleeping area.

One of the most important parts of crate training is to make crate a positive and secure environment for puppies. This should not be put in a box as a penalty form. They should not be left in the wooden frame longer than they can be tolerated, they should be rewarded every time they go to the wooden frame.

Dog Puppy Wood frameDog Puppy Wood frame
Image Credit: Jaclyn Vernacep, ShutterStock

2. There is no break in the toilet

Puppies usually have more accidents when they are not served. As a general rule, puppies can usually hold the bladder equal to the age of several months and one age. For example, a three -month -old puppy must be released every four hours.

It is also important to keep in mind that most puppies need to be about 30 minutes after eating. Therefore, if the puppy keeps the accident at home, try out them more frequently.

3. Pollute the same area

The puppy will continue peeing in the same place. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly clean urine to prevent repeated accidents. Use a specially prescribed cleaning spray for pet urine and stains. These sprays contain an enzyme -like ingredient that breaks down odor and prevent puppies from reviving the same spot. You may also need to block the area for a while so that puppies do not have the habit of peeing in the same area.

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4. The dog does not pee when you are outside

Some dogs do not pee when they are outside because they feel uncomfortable. When dogs rain, snow, or too cold, dogs often resist peeing outdoors. If it is raining, try to dry the dog a little using an umbrella. If there is a lot of snow outside, dig the area and expose the grass to promote the dog. It also helps dogs to take a walk to encourage dogs to relieve themselves.

5. Your dog will not notify you when you have to go outside

Some puppies may continue to have an accident at home because they do not have a means of notifying you what they need to do. Therefore, it is important to establish communication between you and your puppy and to know when they must.

Every time you take a puppy, you can say keywords and phrases like “toilet”. Your puppy ultimately understands this phrase, and when you need to go out, you will be more likely to react eagerly.

Some dogs can also learn to receive belt training. You can start by attaching the toilet bell to the door and rings every time you take a break in the toilet. Eventually, your dog learns that the bell rings every time you have to go out, and they start to sound themselves.

Dog peeDog pee
Image Credit: Reshetnikov_art, ShutterStock

6. Urine health problem

In some cases, puppies may have urinary tract problems such as cystitis, making it difficult to hold pee and pee. Therefore, if you have a particularly difficult time in toilet training, schedule a reservation with a veterinarian to see if your medical condition is affecting your puppy. Other signs of urine problems include urination, painful urination, and more water.

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7. The bladder is small for small dogs

Dog varieties have smaller bladder and faster metabolism, so you can spend more difficult time in toilet training. As long as they are old, they cannot hold the bladder and need to be released more frequently.

Small toilet training puppies may require more time and patience, but they are eventually trained well because they are consistent.

8. Eliminate only if it is not observed

Puppies and dogs who have experienced punishment to relieve themselves may develop only when they are not observed. Therefore, it is important not to punish puppies and dogs for accidents that occur indoors.

If the puppy does not relieve yourself while being observed, you can set up an outdoor play pen and put it there when they go to the bathroom. Direct your puppy from a short distance and eventually praise and reward them when they ultimately relieve themselves.

Dog toilet trainDog toilet train
Image Credit: Vinscher, shutter stock

9. Lack of consistency

Dogs are prosperous in routines, and consistency can be impressive through toilet training advances. Therefore, it is important to set a toilet routine and stick to it until the dog is completely trained in the toilet. Contributions can cause confusion for dogs, learn the right place to go to the bathroom, and become a barrier to identify.

In addition to the consistent frequency of resting the toilet, take your puppy to the same area for peeing and poo. Your puppy will be more likely to smell urine and feces and relieve yourself.

10. Urine marking

Some dogs may develop a habit of marking urine around the house. Dogs often pee at home objects as a means of claiming territories. Urine markings are more commonly castrated male dogs, and tend to have puppies starting to mature for about six months. However, dogs with actions such as separation anxiety may also be involved in inappropriate urine marking.

A dog peeing in the doorA dog peeing in the door
Image Credit: Teeradej, Shutterstock

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There are various problems in toilet training, and it is completely normal to be one of the most challenging parts of raising puppies. Most problems can be solved by developing a consistent toilet routine and adding more restroom breaks throughout the day. Crate training is also greatly useful for dogs to be trained in toilets.

If you are spending a rewarding time or feel stuck, take your dog to your veterinarian and make sure there is no urine health problem. It is also harmful to cooperate with a professional dog trainer to form a plan to help dogs get more quickly trained in toilets.

Special images Credit: MASARIK, SHUTTERSTOCK

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